
Yn was in her room laying on her bed. "Aren't you gonna get ready" yuu said walking in he was dressed as a pumpkin yn chuckled "yeah, in a bit I just wanted to rest for a little" yn said, her mom came in also dressed as a pumpkin "ryoko told us what happened to keisuke, don't worry he's fine, he's in the hospital" she said "and Kazutroa is getting proper help" yuu said

Yn teared up, her parents hugged her "I'm glad" yn said "now, get ready, Emma and hinata will be here soon" yui said yn nodded.

She finished putting on her wizard robe and was currently tying on her cape. "Yn! Your friends are here!!" she heard her mom yell "im going" yn said, she grabbed her big wizard hat and her staff. Which was a long stick she got when she went hiking with her parents. "What's up wizards" yn said to Emma and hinata they laughed

"You actually put on the beard" Emma said sweat dropping "hell yeah I did plus I can hide my camera" yn said, she split her fake beard in half and showed her camera the girls giggled and shook their heads

"Mom can you please take a picture of us" yn asked "suer thing, sweetie" she said, they posed and took multiple pictures and yn obviously took pictures of her parents. "Alright let's get the night started!!" yn said excitedly "yeah!!" Hinata and Emma said equally excited


The girls made their way to a hunted house. Until Emma got a message "ugh. Wait guys" Emma said "what's wrong" hinata asked "it's Mikey, he wants us to go to the hospital we're keisuke's at" Emma said "huh? Why?" Yn asked "he said to show off or something like that. There's a lot of typos" Emma said "well I guess we should get going" hinata said they made their way to the hospital

"What do you think the guys dressed up as" yn asked "me and hina think-" Emma didn't get finish because a random kid snatch yn's beard "..." "..." "..." the three of them stayed silent. hinata and Emma burst out laughing "bitch when I fucking catch you you better pry someone's there to stop me!!!"

Yn angrily shouted "slowkes pokeses" yn shouted while moving her staff around and then pointed at the kid after she did that she sprinted after them Emma and hinata were still laughing

Ten minutes later yn came back with her beard and a bag full of candy. "Where'd you get the bag of candy" Emma asked "the kid and his friends gave it to me as an apology" yn said grinning "you stole it didn't ya" Emma said raising an eyebrow yn chuckled "yeah" yn said "saw it coming" hina said


They arrived to the hospital. "What's up wizards" yn said striking a pose "oh, you guys finally made it" Mikey said "sorry we took long, we had an obstacle on our way here" Emma said "hm? What happened" Draken asked "yeah tell us" Mikey said yn cleared her throat "we rather not" she said with a small blush Emma and hinata giggled

"What's in the bag" chifuyu asked "oh it's candy" yn said "you guys went trick or treating?" Draken asked "not exactly" hinata said "yn stole it" Emma said "did she actually" takemichi asked sweat dropping "yeah" hina and Emma said, yn pridefully smiled "hell yeah I did, that kid had it coming" she said "what! you stole some kids candy bag without me!!" baji said "huh? You're not dead?" Yn said and walked towards him and stood near to his bed

Obviously yn knew he was alive but she wanted to mess with him. Baji's eyebrow twitched "you thought I died" he said "and here I was ready to console your mom" yn said shaking her head in disappointment "you got a crush on my mom or somethin'" baji said "...no..." yn said

'Why'd it take her so long to answer. I can't believe it I'm losing to my mom' baji thought "anyways, if you wanted to be a ghost for Halloween so bad you should've told me, you didn't have to be so extra" yn said chuckling "sorry" baji said, he looked to the side, he felt guilty. The atmosphere felt gloomy after he apologized. yn felt awkward

She looked around the guys were all looking down. Yn looked at takemichi for help but he didn't know what to do either yn looked at the girls but they shrugged. 'Great, what do I do now' yn looked down and saw the bag of candy she was holding 'of course, how did i forget' yn put the bag of candy on top of baji "huh?" he said "do you guys want some candy?" yn asked them with a smile on her face

"I thought you would never ask" Mikey said and grabbed a handful "Mikey don't be a fat ass" draken said yn laughed "it's ok, you guys can grab as much as you want" yn said

"Are we waiting for the others" Emma asked "yeah" draken answered. Yn went back to standing next to Emma "who?" Yn whispered to her "the twins, hakkai, peh-yan, Kazutroa, mucho, and sanzu" Emma said "huh, did you say sanzu" yn asked "yeah" Emma said, yn smiled like the grinch and chuckled evily "your not planning on-" yn interrupted Emma "yeah I am" Emma sighed

"You said Kazutroa is coming" yn asked "yeah" Emma said "that's perfect" yn smile got bigger "why does she look like that" takemichi said everyone turned to look at yn "sanzu wrote on yn's face with permanent marker and she went out without knowing so she's trying to get back at him" Emma said the guys started laughing, yn glared at them, they stopped

"You guys don't understand how humiliating it was I confessed to my crush on that day and sanzu knew I was going to confess, that little shit" yn said "it couldn't be that bad" takemichi said "I had a penis on my fucking forehead, a penis!!, and he only apologized because I started crying" yn said she walked towards baji again "move over I want to curl up and cry" yn said to him "oh, uh"

Baji was about to move but Emma slapped yn on the back "oww!" Yn said rubbing where Emma hit her "you're not going to to cry" Emma said "then can I at least lay down-" yn said "no" Emma said, she crossed her arms "you know better then this yn" Emma scolded yn the guys snicker

Emma turned to them "and you guys should know better then to laugh at a girls misfortune" Emma said everyone mumbled 'sorry'

After that everyone went back to talking amongst themselves but yn was bored so she started talking pictures of everyone. "Frankenstein and his creation, nice" yn said as she took a picture of mitsuya and draken "Mikey you dressed as little red riding hood is something I didn't know I needed to see" yn said as she took his picture

Mikey blushed "chifuyu you look so adorable" yn said and took multiple pictures of him he blushed "stop" chifuyu said embarrassed yn giggled. Chifuyu was dressed as a cat

Soon the other guys came. Yn and kazutora were standing in the corner of the room, yn was telling him about her plan to get sanzu "when are we going to do it" kazutora asked "in two or three days" yn said she stared at the back of sanzu's head then her eyes wonder to Mikey's legs. He was sitting on baji's hospital bed facing yn and Kazutroa. "Right now we just need him to think that I'm going to get him today" yn said and continued to stare at Mikey's legs

'Sorry Emma but your brother's thighs' thought yn, she was blushing. Fortunately and unfortunately for yn, Mikey was the only one who noticed her staring, he smirked, Mikey slightly pulled his skirt up yn's eyes widened she looked up to see his face he had a mischievous look in his eyes yn's face turned red

"N/n" Kazutroa call her "I wasn't staring" yn said "huh? um, ok...? Your phone's ringing, also why is your face so red" kazutora said "oh, um, it's just hot in here" yn said

"Hello, it's the legendary wizard yn" yn said when she answered her phone "hey yn it's me kenji" kenji said "kenji!!" yn said happily "huh did you say kenji" kazutora asked "yep! Emma it's kenji" yn said "kenji" Emma perked up. The three of them were now trying to talk to kenji at the same time he chuckled "calm down guys one at a time" he said

"Kenji when did you come back" yn asked "earlier today, your parents were going to surprise you but I guess I ruined it" kenji said "kenji you can never ruin anything" yn said "yeah" the other two said kenji chuckled "you guys are the best, now the reason I'd call, um, yn your parents got drunk and I need you to come get them" kenji

Yn sweat dropped "so the woman laughing in the back is my mom" yn said "is that yn, bahahaha, she dressed up as a wizard, ahahaha" yui laughed at yn, "I've been betrayed by my own mother" yn said "pft" Kazutroa and Emma laughed at yn "so what bar are you guys at" yn asked "the one by ****" kenji said "ok, I'll see you in a bit" yn said and hanged up she turned to look at Emma


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