(Forgotten!Light.) (She's back.) (Canon.)

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Story: I was giving a small child some therapy and he really liked his imaginary friend.

*But later, I saw her aswell.*


(Maybe More of the story info coming.)


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Tier: Universal

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Tier: Universal.
Strength: Street level.
Durability: Country level.
Speed: Superhuman.
Iq: Genius.
Biq: Human.
Abillities: Light bulb, Tentacle generation (back only.), Superstrength, Super durability, Pocket dimension (Limit size= power: Universal.) (Pocket dimension travel.), Size manipulation (self = Dimension only.), Telepathy, phasing, teleport, Invisibility, Arm extension.
Size: "20" feet tall."
Agility: Superhuman.
Endurance: Universal.
Ap/Dc: Can destroy the Universe, if given enough time.
Weakness: Ball Of Divine Protection, Energy/fatigue depletion when outside the void.
Personality: Aggressive.
Hp: 900000
Df: 800000
Attack: 50000
[End of info.]
John 11 26 ✝️ ❤️

Forgotten!Light. (Balanced.)

New weakness: Energy/power depletion when outside the pocket dimension. (Context: When outside She gets weaknened to City level, unless she gets back in dimension... Refilling back to full power again.)

Reason: I didn't like how it's easy for her to destroy a universe so she gets nerfed, not tier, but how she functions.
Tier: (Universal = dimension only.)
Outside tier: City level.
Can only destroy a universe by having enough High exposure of Stamina and power to create a giant pocket dimension gateway in order to consume the universe.

Reason: It was pretty much a boring trait with choice to destroy the universe but chooses not to even tho she can and is her purpose so i gave it reason why it chooses to appear To other people or appear to kids in order to lure and feed of their energy and use the bodies in order to serve and growth "The Cause."
She had no purpose and for her motivation to go further, "The Cause" made her feel empty inside and give a reward feeling when she completes dominating a whole universe for "50 Min" and goes away so she would keep doing it again and again.

(That's is final change as Shine/Forgotten!Light will drain using a Energy Drain/Energy absorbment.) (John 11 26 ✝️❤️

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