After watching the three movies Aurelia went to meet up with Harvey. They planned on meeting up at the park at the swings. She beamed at seeing him sitting on the swings, waiting for her. When he saw her, his face brightened and a wide smile appeared on his lips.
"Hey, Aurie!" He called out. He stood, smiling widely at her as she got to him. He surprised her when he suddenly wrapped her in a tight hug, lifting her off the ground slightly. She laughed, hugging him back just as tightly.
"Hey, Harvey!" She said, feeling a rush of happiness at his warm welcome. "How have you been?"
Harvey set her down, still smiling. "Good, I'm good." He pauses, his expression changing as his gaze drops to the locket around her neck. "Is that new? It's pretty. Like you." He added, a blush appearing on his cheeks.
Aurelia touches her locket, a shy smile on her lips. "Thank you. Yeah, it is new. My mom gave it to me earlier, it used to be my grandma's but she wanted to give it to me." She explains, blushing when he called her pretty. "Thanks. So, you ready to have some fun?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'm ready." He replies, grinning at her. "You?" He asked.
"Yup, let's go!" She grabs his hand, her eyes lighting up. She tugs him toward the swings. "Let's swing, it's so much fun."
"Okay, sure." Harvey agreed, letting her pull him to the swings as he smiled fondly at her. He always thought it was cute how excited and enthusiastic she was, especially when it came to stuff she liked. She was so adorable, and he adored her. He could never get tired of spending time with her. She was just so special to him, and he couldn't imagine his life without her.
They got onto the swings, laughing and talking as they pushed themselves back and forth. Aurelia looked over at Harvey, a warm feeling spreading throughout her chest at seeing he was already looking at her. He had a soft smile on his face, and his eyes were filled with such tenderness and affection. She could feel herself blush, her heartbeat quickening as she bit her lip nervously.
"What?" She asks, laughing nervously. "Do I have something on my face?"
"No." Harvey's smile grows. "It's nothing, you're just...Beautiful." He answered honestly, a light blush dusting his cheeks.
"Oh." Aurelia feels her face heat up even more, butterflies fluttering in her stomach. "T-Thank you." She stammered, looking away shyly.
Harvey smiles warmly at her, reaching over and gently grips her chin with his thumb and forefinger. He gently turns her face back towards him. "No need to be shy, Aurie. I just wanted to tell you." His voice is soft and sincere and his gaze is full of warmth as he held her gaze. Aurelia's heart raced, and she can feel the warmth of his hand on her chin, grounding her in the moment. The world around them seems to fade away as they lock eyes, and for a moment, everything feels perfect.
Aurelia meets his gaze, her heart racing. She feels a rush of warmth and happiness at his words, and she can't help but smile. "Thank you, Harv. You're really sweet."
Harvey's smile widens, and he leans in closer, their noses brushing. "I mean it, Aurie. You're beautiful. Inside and out." He murmurs. "You're amazing."
Aurelia stares at him, her cheeks turning redder and her heartbeat quickening even more. His words made her feel all warm and tingly inside, and she couldn't stop the smile that was slowly forming on her lips. "T-Thank you, Harvey. You're amazing too."
Harvey's smile becomes tender, his eyes filled with such adoration and affection. He leans forward, pressing a soft, gentle kiss to her forehead. Aurelia closed her eyes, sighing softly at his sweet gesture. She was so glad that she had met him. He was the most amazing, kindest boy she had ever met, and she was so lucky to have him in her life. She opend her eyes, blushing at seeing how close he was now. He was gazing at her, his eyes filled with so much warmth and love.

TRUE LOVE! steven conklin
Aventure―❝ But I hate you, I really hate you so much I think it must be true love, true love.❞ OR ―❝ aurelia fisher and steven conklin had been enemies for as long as they can remember, being forced to hang out together because their families stayed togethe...