04 - A Sogo for a Pen

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'What do we have after lunch?' Lily asked, leaning over Jeonghan's shoulder as he slid his timetable over to her, tracing his pen down across the classes spelt out in hangul lettering as Lily took a deep breath, trying her best to read as much of it as she possibly could.

She sat beside him with her tray of food in the cafeteria; today's menu serving kimchi jjigae stew, white rice, a bowl of grapes, strawberry milk cartons and a few sliced kimbap rolls on the end. Jeonghan was seated at the left end of his usual table, Lily beside him with Abi to her right and Junhui on the other side of where Abi was seated.

Joshua, Hansol, Seokmin, Soonyoung and Jihoon sat adjacent to them at the opposite end of the table as the others in their classroom remained at the cafeteria line to get their food; Minghao helping Seungcheol to move over another table to join it against the end of their own. To their furthest right, Minghao sat beside Junhui, Seungcheol beside him, with Seungkwan and Chan seated opposite to them.

The remaining two boys of their class had made their way over to the table, hoping to find spare seats, until Wonyoung gleefully jogged over, patting Mingyu on his arm to direct him over to the empty table beside them. Wonwoo froze for a moment in hesitance, before following Mingyu and attempting to seat himself beside his best friend, before Wonyoung sat herself down quickly to Mingyu's left, forcing him to stumble awkwardly in his footing.

He glanced over at the spare seat beside Jiwoo opposite to them and walked around the entire length of the table to sit down beside her and adjacent to Mingyu. He kept his head down quietly to eat his food, pushing his glasses back up over his eyes with the back of his knuckles, wanting to remain silent for the rest of their lunch break, until Jiwoo leaned a little closer to whisper to him.

She barely had the chance to get a single word out, before Wonwoo rose to his feet, carrying his tray and walking over to the opposite table. He placed his tray down between Joshua and Jeonghan at the edge of the table and pulled up a spare chair to sit himself down quietly.

'Wae Mingyu-leul naebeolyeodun geongayo?' (why did you leave mingyu alone?)

Jeonghan questioned, tilting his head aside at Wonwoo who seemed to shovel his rice into his mouth quietly, before letting out a taunt exhale and leaning back to slump in his seat.

'Geudeul-i geuleul kkeulgo gass-eoyo- nan geogi anj-aissgo sipji anh-ass-eoyo.' (they dragged him away- i didn't want to sit there)

'Uhh... Jeonghan-shi- am I getting... glared at?' Lily whispered quietly to him, Jeonghan leaning a little closer to her, to rest the side of his head against hers before panning his gaze aside to see an overflowing group of girls practically glaring daggers in their direction.

'Geunyang musihaseyo.' (just ignore them)

'Mmh...' Lily hummed sheepishly beneath the tone of her breath, and just glanced back down in the direction towards her tray of lunch, eating her kimchi jjigae stew quietly as Abi shuffled closer to Junhui, a book opened between them as Abi quietly began teaching him how to read along the lines of English.

'What is... de-mi-God?' Junhui questioned, tilting his head down when pointing to the word in Abi's copy of 'Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse'.

'Oh- well, it's someone who is half-God and generically half-human. So, one parent is a God, and one parent is a human. Being a demi-God kind of gives them superpowers, like... being good at fighting, or having talents in the same areas as their Godly parents.' Abi explained, trying to give Junhui an idea of what was going on in the book, when laughing sweetly at his clueless expression.

'Maybe I should help you read easier books first.' She grinned, closing her purple copy of Percy Jackson as Junhui nodded softly in agreement.

It was not soon after lunch that Lily found herself escaping a terrifyingly aggressive group of Jeonghan fangirls from the library, skidding into the empty computer room when slamming the door shut and flicking the switch to lock herself in. She pulled the blind down with a harsh yank of her hand and let them drop down quickly, shielding her from sight when peering around the corner of it to watch as they raced by in search of her across the second floor.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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