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Nora Argent spent her entire day studying and observing her classmates

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Nora Argent spent her entire day studying and observing her classmates. She observed the ones that seemed interesting or Claire giving her advice to observe. But Nora decided that she liked her junior friends better.

There was one boy that seemed sweet, Mason Hewitt. She and the boy were in Art class together, they exchanged a few conversations here and there. But Nora took this as a perfect opportunity to get information on Liam Dunbar.

He just happened to be in her first and third period, and to make it even better she sat next to him in both. It was like the universe was finally on her side.

She had successfully gone through the day without falling asleep or messaging Claire, and the Argent girl decided some of her classes were worth paying attention in.

After not-so-discreetly spying on Liam to see if he exhibited any werewolf abilities the majority of her third period — not that he had any aside form annoyance — she was pleasantly surprised when she saw Kira, Claire and Malia were waiting outside her classroom for her. The three girls held excited grins.

"Hey, Nora!" Kira greeted happily, linking arms with the Argent girl while shooting her a happy grin. The siphoner returned the gesture, her rosie lips curving up in a smile.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Nora asked, hoping she hadn't forgotten anything important.

"Stiles made Claire to come get to you, but we saw her in the halls and decided to come along." Malia said bluntly.

"Basically Stiles told me to come get you to see if your new freshmen friend any new werewolf traits for this Lacrosse Tryouts." Claire said, and Nora quickly hushed her. Liam walked out of her class as Claire spoke, giving the girls weird looks. Nora smiling.

"I have to go to class guys, look after my girl okay?" Claire said, Nora's eyes widening Claire gently rubbing her shoulder, Claire walked off but Nora realised that Lydia was not with them she frowned.

They arrived a few minutes late to the Lacrosse Practice as the team was running laps, taking a seat on the bleachers that were a good-distance from the field. Malia held a pre-calculus textbook in her hand, while Nora had her backpack swung over her shoulder.

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