Chapter 1; Raheem

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California, Los Angeles
March 5, 2023
10:12 p.m.

I slouched on my worn-out couch, the familiar sounds of Los Angeles buzzing faintly through the thin walls of my apartment. The storm outside was fierce, rain slashing against the windows and thunder rumbling in the distance. It was around ten at night, and the storm added a certain intensity to the city's usual chaos. I liked it. It made everything feel more alive, more real.

A bowl of Captain Crunch sat in my lap, the crunch of each bite mixing with the sounds of the storm and the background noise of my game. I was deep into a game of 2K, my eyes glued to the screen as I maneuvered my player with practiced ease. The glow from the TV screen cast eerie shadows around the dimly lit room, the only other light coming from a small lamp on the side table.

This was my sanctuary, my escape from the gritty reality of the streets outside. Being a quote on quote gangster in LA wasn't just a lifestyle; it was a survival tactic. Every day was a game of strategy and caution, and nights like this were my chance to unwind and recharge.

Then, out of nowhere, there's a knock at the door. I froze for a second, my senses on high alert. My first thought is to ignore it. It's late, and I'm not expecting anyone. But something in the back of my mind tells me to be cautious. In my world, mutha fucas showing up at the spot unexpected can only mean one thing.

Another series of knocks followed, more urgent this time. I stood up, my muscles tense. I reached for the Glock I keep tucked under the couch cushion, its cold metal a reassuring presence in my hand. I moved quietly to the door, the sound of the rain muffling my footsteps.

I peer through the peephole, the fisheye view distorting the face on the other side. "Who is it?" I called out, my voice steady despite the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"Ron nigga," came the muffled reply from the other side of the door. "Open the doe."

Ron was one of my close friends in this shit, someone I trusted, but trust was a slippery thing in my world. I glanced through the peephole, confirming it was him before unlocking the door and pulling it open.

Ron stepped inside quickly, his clothes soaked from the rain. His usually calm demeanor was replaced with a look of urgency and stress. He shook off the water like a wet dog, glancing around my crib as if checking for any signs of trouble.

"Whachu on bruh? You gud?" I asked, closing the door and locking it behind him. The tension in the air was thick, judging by his body language I could tell something up.

"Was just at that corner sto on woodland, when I heard a couple rounds let off a few blocks away. I seen Shawn whip not to far away, I think he involved, I called him a couple times nigga ain't answer," his voice low and urgent.

Something about the way he said it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. It wasn't like Ron to stray from the action, and him showing up at my place, in the middle of a storm, with all that chaos going down, felt off. But for some reason I didn't question it. We grew up in the same neighborhood, he's the last person I'd think to do some sleazy shit.

Hearing my nigga Shawn could possibly be involved in a shootout got my heart racing as I grabbed my hoodie from the couch and slipped it on, tucking the Glock into the waistband of my jeans.

The streets were slick with rain, the usual hustle of the neighborhood subdued by the weather and the danger. The neon lights of nearby shops and streetlights reflected off the wet pavement, casting an eerie glow on everything. My mind raced as we moved quickly through the streets, keeping to the shadows.

"Which way,"I asked scanning the area for any signs of pressure.

"Ova thea. Past the sto," he points to an area behind the corner store.

We turned the corner, and the sound of distant gunfire reached my ears, muffled by the rain but unmistakable. My pulse quickened, but I forced myself to stay calm and focused. This was part of the life I'd chosen, and there was no room for hesitation. My eyes zooming in on Shawn's black bmw. I couldn't tell if he was inside or not due to his dark tinted windows.

As we neared the scene, the sound of gunfire grew louder, more intense. I could make out the flashes of muzzle fire in the distance. "You go that way and-," I look back noticing Ron was no longer standing with me.

I brushed it off figuring he already took action, I slowed my pace, moving more cautiously now. The air was thick with tension, and every shadow seemed to hold potential danger. I tightened my grip on my pole, ready for whatever was coming.

As I approached the corner, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what was to come. This was the life, and on a stormy night in Los Angeles, there was no room for anything but survival.

I ducked behind a dumpster, my heart pounding in my chest. My clothes were soaked through, sticking to my skin. I glanced over at Shawn, who was crouched behind a nearby car, his face set in grim determination. Relieved that nothing has happened to him, I sighed- but the night was far from over.

"Shawn!" I yelled, my voice barely carrying over the cacophony. "You gud?"

He nodded, though I could see the panic in his eyes. "Yeah, my shit running low. We gotta get the fuck up threw."

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. We had to get out of this, had to find a way to survive the night. I peeked around the corner of the dumpster, squinting through the rain. The street was a battlefield, littered with debris and the occasional body. I saw the flash of a muzzle and instinctively pulled back, feeling the impact of a bullet as it struck the metal inches from my head.

Every second we stayed out here, the more likely it was one of us would catch a bullet. I glanced around, trying to formulate a plan. The corner store's neon sign flickered ominously, casting an eerie glow over the scene.

Gripping my pistol tightly, I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the situation settle over me. This wasn't just about survival; this was about protecting my brother. Shawn had been there for me through thick and thin, and I wasn't about to let him go down tonight.

I darted out from behind the dumpster, my feet splashing through the puddles that had formed in the cracked asphalt. Bullets whizzed past me, some hitting the ground so close I could feel the spray of water on my legs. I fired back, aiming for the shadows that housed our enemies.

Seeing Shawn car in the distance coming into my view It felt like a beacon of hope in the stormy night. We picked up the pace, the adrenaline giving us a final burst of energy. Just as we reached the car, a figure emerged from the shadows, gun raised. I didn't hesitate. I fired, the shot ringing out over the storm. The figure fell, and we dove into the car, slamming the doors shut. Shawn revved the engine, and we sped off.

As the city lights blurred by, I looked over at Shawn, he looks back at me. We break out laughing our ass off. The rain continued to fall, washing away the blood and the fear, leaving us with nothing but the bond of brotherhood and the will to survive.

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