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I'm chilling in my living room, sprawled out on the couch with a blunt in my hand. The room is hazy with smoke, the earthy scent of weed mixing with the faint smell of Burger King we order a couple of hours ago. The TV is blaring as Kelz and Shawn argue over who gets to pick the next character in Mortal Kombat. The controller vibrates in my hand as I take another hit, feeling the familiar buzz settling in.

Kelz is laughing, talking trash as usual, while Shawn focuses, determined to win this round. I lean back, exhaling slowly, watching the smoke curl and twist in the dim light. The room is a very much messy—empty chip bags, soda cans, and random stuff scattered everywhere—but it feels comfortable, like our own little sanctuary from the outside world.

"You finna get this work, on soul," Shawn chuckles wickedly, eyes gleaming with the thrill of the game, as he execute a perfect fatality on Kelz, followed by "Yea boy! Fuck is you talm bout?". I chuckle, leaning back into the couch, feeling the warmth spread through my body. My phone vibrates on the coffee table, its screen lighting up. I reach over, taking a quick glance.

📱:Kick bck at Ciara spot slide through

I glance at Kelz and Shawn, before looking back down at the text. "Black talkin bout a kickback at Ciara crib. What's the move, y'all tryna go?"

Kelz grins, taking a long drag from the joint, I passed him before picking up my phone. "Hell yea. I'm tryna see what's up."

Shawn nods, pausing the game. "For sure. I'm tired of whipping dis nigga ass."

"Boy shut yo goofy ass up," Kelz responds blowing smoke in the air. "Nigga win one game an get tuh smellin hisself."


I was high as fuck when we pulled up to Ciara's place, the smell of weed still thick in the air. Kelz was riding shotgun, eyes half-lidded and grinning like a fool, while Shawn was in the back, still going about how he beat Kelz ass last game.The night was warm, and the streets seemed to blur together as we rolled up to Ciara's crib. I could hear the bass thumping from a block away, vibrations resonating in my chest. My head was swimming, but I was feeling good. Real good.

The cool night air hit me, making me shiver despite the warmth. We walked up to the house, and the music grew louder. I could see shadows moving behind the curtains, people laughing and dancing. As we got closer, the door swung open, and Ciara stood there, a grin spreading across her face when she saw us.

"Heem! Shawn! Kelz! Y'all made it," she exclaimed, throwing her arms around me in a hug. I hugged her back, feeling the buzz of the night seep into my bones.

Ciara was a girl I met back in grade school. The nerdy girl that did everybody homework. We'd always kick it out of school smoking and chilling. Hell yea we was twelve years old blowing bag. But that's besides the point I never thought nothing more of her than a friend. And it wasn't cause she had buck teeth or had a stuttering problem. But Shawn on the other hand, grew found of her once we got to high school, and she start glowing..

"You give dis nigga a hug befo me?" Shawn say with a bit of irritation displaying on his features. She giggles going in to hug him but he end up walking straight past her.

I shake my head, draping my arm around her shoulder, just as she frowns watching him walk away. "Don't worry about em, this night is dictated to you. So enjoy it."

We grab some drinks, and I'm starting to feel the vibe. Shawn and Kelz disappear into the crowd, probably off to find some bitches. I lean against the wall, sipping my drink and watching the scene. That's when I seen her. Naomi.

Eyes that could see right through you. She's laughing with some friends, but I can't take my eyes off her. The high intensifies, making her seem almost unreal, like a vision. She catches me staring and smiles. My heart skips a beat. I push off the wall and make my way over. "Wassuh," I dragged out approaching the group.

She tilts her head, a playful look in her eyes. "Heem, right? I saw you earlier."

"Small world ain't it?" I smiled, then nodded acknowledging her two friends. They gave off a knowingly smile, before making their way towards the kitchen. I chuckle looking down, when it's just me and her standing alone.

"Sooo," she says softly, her lips shining under the dim light of the hallway. "How do you know my cousin?"

"Yo cousin?" I questioned.

"Yea. Ciara. How do you know her? Or do you just like," she paused looking over at the crowd in the living room. "Just like know everybody. I heard people calling your name for three minutes straight." She laughs rolling her eyes. "So I knew you was here.. I was just waiting on you to find me."

"Mmm okay," I smiled running a hand down my waves, feeling hot. "So you just knew I was gone come find you, huh?"

"I had hope," she responds, rolling her eyes again playfully.

Even though I can barely keep my eyes open, I can still see her baby blue tight fitted dress, that stop above her knees, hugging her curvy figure like a second skin. All type of thoughts playing in my mind, as we stare deep into each other eyes.

"You never answered my question tho." She says breaking the silence between us. "You must've talked to her before."

"Nah Ciara the homie. I met her in grade school, we use to kick it a lot." I respond seeing the little jealousy flicker in her chocolate brown eyes. "Don't do that," I chuckle, raising the styrofoam cup up to my lips.

"I just asked a question." She responds folding her arms tilting her head at me. "I mean if y'all did talked, I wouldn't have cared.. She never mentioned you before so- that wouldn't have been my problem."

Had I been sober and using discernment, I would have saw the huge red flags waving in front of me. I could've saved me a lot of problems and losses— but since I had weed and alcohol in my system my judgment is very much clouded. I'm in for a long ride with this one.

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