Sidestrory 4: Aurelia

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In the lush, rolling hills of the Viscount's estate, a young girl of eight played with her dolls in a grand, sunlit room. Aurelia Scott, the Viscount's only daughter, was surrounded by the finest toys, books, and dresses that wealth could buy. Her life was one of comfort, filled with the gentle hum of servants and the delicate aroma of roses wafting through the open windows.

But Aurelia was not an ordinary child. Even at her tender age, she carried an air of maturity beyond her years. Her emerald eyes, a striking contrast to her blonde curls, often sparkled with curiosity as she devoured book after book in the expansive library. She was a child with the world at her fingertips, yet she felt an odd emptiness—a yearning she couldn’t quite name.

One afternoon, as she read a particularly thick volume on ancient prophecies, her world was turned upside down. A prophecy had come to light, delivered by the town’s most revered seer, Madame Selene. The Viscount and Viscountess were summoned to the church, their faces pale with worry as they left Aurelia behind.

Aurelia watched them go, her heart heavy with dread. She didn’t understand what was happening, but she felt the weight of it in her bones.

Later that evening, her parents returned, their expressions grave. Aurelia’s mother, Lady Marianne, knelt before her, taking her small hands into her own.

"Aurelia, my darling," she began, her voice trembling, "there’s something we need to tell you."

Aurelia’s father, the Viscount Henry Scott, stood behind his wife, his stern face softened with concern. "Aurelia," he said, "you’ve been chosen by the Goddess. The prophecy says that you are destined to become the saintess."

Aurelia blinked, the words not fully sinking in. "A saintess? What does that mean?"

Lady Marianne brushed a strand of hair from Aurelia’s face, her eyes filled with tears. "It means, my love, that you are special. You have a connection to the divine. You must go to the church and receive the Goddess’s blessing. From this day forward, your life will be different."

Aurelia looked from her mother to her father, searching for a hint of comfort in their faces. "But… will I still be able to live here with you? Will I still be able to read my books and play with my dolls?"

Viscount Henry knelt beside his wife, placing a firm hand on Aurelia’s shoulder. "Your life will change, Aurelia, but you will always be our daughter. You will live at the church for a time, but you can come home whenever you need to. You are not alone in this."

Aurelia nodded slowly, trying to be brave. She didn’t fully understand the weight of what was being asked of her, but she trusted her parents. "I’ll do it, Papa. I’ll be the saintess."

Aurelia’s life at the church was nothing like the luxurious existence she had known. The cold, stone walls of the temple replaced the warmth of her family’s estate. The priests and nuns treated her with a reverence that made her uncomfortable, always watching, always expecting her to be perfect.

She spent her days in prayer, her nights in study. Her fragile arms were often burdened with heavy tomes, filled with ancient texts and rituals that she was expected to master. The weight of expectation bore down on her small shoulders, and she struggled to meet the impossible standards set before her.

One day, as she was poring over yet another book, the head priest, Father Gabriel, approached her. He was a tall, imposing figure with a voice that commanded authority.

"Aurelia," he said, his tone firm, "you must focus on your studies. The people of Enchantia are depending on you. You must not let them down."

Aurelia looked up at him, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and determination. "I’m trying, Father Gabriel. I’m doing my best."

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