Little Angel

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I was sent down to Earth to watch over, the newest member of Callaghan family. Her life was set in stone day one of her life.

Little Angel was born March 3, 2001 at Memorial Hospital. Her mother was Hillary Callaghan and father was George Callaghan, both were so excited about having a baby but not of this gender. They had planned for a boy, not a worthless girl such as Little Angel. Their fault for wanting to be surprised, a surprise it was.
The day the family was allowed to go home, Mr. Callaghan put Little Angel into a blue- Thomas the Train car seat and threw it in the back of their little silver Volkswagen. Little Angel didn't even cry, she stared up at the ceiling of the car. Her twinkling brown eyes full of so much curiosity.

Nine years went by, Little Angel was just turning into an adorable Little nine year old angel. She was sneaking by her arguing parents to head out for school but Mr. Callaghan lion roar stopped her. She turned just in time to be slapped across her face, she did not cry, she did not scream. Little Angel stood there, holding her face with her tiny, skinny, pale hands; biting her dull pink lips. Mr. Callaghan also stood there glaring at her, waiting for a response like: "Why?!" or even tears. Maybe even a beg to be killed once and for all.

Being the father Mr. Callaghan was he grabbed her by her arms and began shaking her just as he did when she was two and would not stop crying because she had a diaper rash. Little Angel said nothing, did nothing, just took the shaking. Until, he threw her to ground and stomped off, taking Mrs. Callaghan with him nearly crushing her wrist.

Little Angel got up, pulling her think pink jacket tightly against her, she leaves to school. She was smart but not that way. Little angel was an excellent student... she was also good at covering bruises with clothes and make up. Nobody saw anything so they didn't do anything. There was one person, who did notice her though. That was me. During recess I would go to the swings and swing with her, and talk to her just to see that beautiful smile of hers. She was my neighbor, she wasn't my only friend, she was my only living friend.

Friday night, Little Angel wanted to meet me at a cave not to far from her home. I did. We played, sang and took a nap. That was until we heard a rustling outside. Poor Little Angel look terrified. I couldn't do anything, she knew this. Mr. Callaghan stomped into the cave, a belt and rope in his hands.... you'd expect Little Angel's eyes to be full of terror. No, not this Little Angel, she was ready to leave.

The next day... police escorted the married couple to prison and found the body of Little Angel lying blue on the cave floors. Only a few people showed up to her funeral, Mrs. Callaghan was there of course. Her brown eyes leaking, and mouth apologizing but no one cared about her, didn't care what she was saying. Little Angel stood beside her mother finally crying and screamed blaming her for everything, while a few little kids and I stood far back. She spotted us, so I walked over and grabbed her hand, grasping it tightly. Then she saw the rest of the children who had been killed by abuse and ran to them like life was about to be drawn out of her.

Day one of her life, her fate and been set. Everyone's life had been set after that. Parents focused on other kids just as well as theirs. Little Angel was the savior of that little town, she made the people realize that even though you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't happening.

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