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It's been three months since One saved Alani. The two ghosts spent countless hours on perfecting One's plan to take Rovach's dictatorship down, and naturally bonded over the time.

Even though the billionaire's heart was cold and lacking emotions, he found himself attached to the younger woman. Alani quickly noticed similarities in the relationship they formed with the one she had with her older brother before he died. The two ghosts developed a strong bond, and even though neither would admit it, they would die for each other. Having both been at the refugee camp when the bombs were dropped, they shared the hatred towards the cruel man. They attended the opera together, confronting Rovach by the bar.

Their small family soon got bigger. The two ghosts analyzed who to recruit for a long time, and finally came to a decision, making a list of five other people to join them.

First, they found Two. A beautiful blonde with a thick French accent, a former C.I.A agent. Zero felt intimidated by the woman at the beginning, but soon found out that she actually had a big heart and a sense of humor that couldn't match hers more.

Then, they found their Three. Alani immediately bonded with the older latino man, a hitman that quickly took her under his wing, taking over the role of a father she never had. The other ghosts quickly learned that the duo would cause trouble, constantly doing pranks and annoying the shit out of One and Two.

Finally, they met Four. Zero couldn't believe that they'd have such a hottie on the team and was very excited about it, until it turned out that he was a complete asshole. Or so she thought. Seeing as the two were the youngest in the group, they were forced to bond. After countless fights and bickers, the pair finally found a common ground, forming a friendship that soon turned into something more, breaking one of One's main rules - no relationships.

Soon after Five joined them, a latina doctor with a beautiful smile. Zero had some difficulty with bonding with the woman, nevertheless they found themselves having countless girl talks and gossip sessions.

The last one to join the group was Six, a cheeky young man who had a joke for every occasion. He quickly realized that Zero and Four were the closest to his age, so he started hanging around them more, the three forming a small inner circle that the older ghosts were not allowed into. He quickly became Zero's younger brother, the two sharing a lot of night conversations and being attached by the hip.

Alani Scott never thought she would get better after losing her brother and sister, but she was proved that miracles can happen. The small group of ghosts eventually became her family, and they unknowingly saved her in every way possible.

After months of planning, it was finally time for their first mission. And so, Zero found herself in a rich man's office, sitting by her leader's side as they tried to convince him to cooperate.

„Fuck. Off." the lawyer sitting across from the pair said slowly, making Zero tilt her head. She sat next to One, who stared at the man in front of him with wide eyes.

„No." he said shortly and smiled, making Zero snicker. „I'm trying to help you here. Anything beyond a simple „yes" is gonna just super stuck for your face." he continued, shaking his head with a grimace.

„Look, your client is a half-wit, fuckstain war criminal." Zero chimed in, crossing her legs and leaning closer. The lawyer rose his eyebrows as his eyes traveled down to her chest, making her click her fingers. „Why are you protecting him?"

„My client has never ordered any gas attacks." the man shook his head, moving his eyes to One.

„No, he's ordered the four generals that work for him to order the gas attacks." the leader said. „Just get him on the phone, let's just fucking get nuts." he said, waving his hands around. Zero turned around and glanced at Two who was already looking her way, the two women exchanging tired looks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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