Part 1

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The Fitz-Amobi twins knew where they lived. The whole town knew where they lived. The Singh house was like the town's own haunted house. But without it ever being actually haunted. There were always three Singh brothers: Sal, Ravi and Nolan. But five years ago three brothers turned to two brothers: Ravi and Nolan. 

The house wasn't actually haunted by ghosts. It was just haunted by four people trying to move on with their lives after the events of five years ago. The house wasn't haunted by flickering lights or anything moving. But it was haunted by smashed windows and spray painted words of 'Scum family'. 

To the twins they wanted to know why the Singh family didn't want to move away from the pain that the town gave them. They are haunted by rumours of what Sal did. No actual proof that Sal actually did it. Aiden knew that if they moved it would make the family look more and more suspicious of what happened to Andie Bell that night. So they had a right to still live in the town. No matter how much they were hurting. 

Aiden always wondered what it was like to be Nolan and Ravi. Being haunted by something their brother had supposed to have done. She could never imagine living in the shadows of Pip and something she was framed to have done. Aiden was the more curious one of the Fitz-Amobi twins. Whereas Pip was more the smart one. But one thing the twins didn't know was how the Singh family had actually found the courage to actually stay in Little Kilton. Despite what the town had done to them. Having the burden of having to listen to the whispers and the praying eyes of people who lived in the town. The whispers were always loud enough to be heard. Aiden had heard some of the things that were said about the Singh family. The neighbourly small talk now had always stayed small talk it never changed to long talk. Well not anymore. 

To Aiden she thought it was particularly cruel that the house where the Singh's lived were so close to the school that both Andie and Sal attended, Little Kilton grammar school. It was also where the twins would attend to do their final year in a few weeks. When August turned into September. 

It was always strange to her that she never saw Sal or Andie around the town. She was so used to seeing the two walk round town. Either together or with their respective friends. But now that they were gone it was like the town had lost a piece of itself. Even if people had believed that Sal killed Andie. 

The twins were walking down the street when Aiden noticed that Pip had stopped to rest against the gate. Which lead to the towns very own haunted house. 

"Pip what are you doing?" Aiden asked her.

"I want to interview the Singh twins. Do you think that they'll agree to it?" Pip asked her twin.

"No. They wouldn't agree to it. No one would want to bring up the past." Aiden answered.

Aiden noticed that Pips eyes were on the front door to the house. It was clear that Pip wasn't going to listen to Aiden. She noticed that it was only supposed to be a few feet between the gate and the door but there were so many things falling apart. It was clear that what Aiden had said to Pip was finally sitting in. 

"It's a bad idea isn't it?" Pip asked looking over her shoulder only to notice Aiden was closer then before.

"Yes it is a very bad idea Pip." Aiden answered. But Pip never listened to when Aiden said something was a bad idea.

It was hotter then normal in Little Kilton. Aiden was going over the pros and cons of asking the twins to a interview for their EPQ. It was both a bad idea and a bold idea.

"Did you know that history's greatest minds always advised bold over safe." Pip stated.

"I already knew that. You've told me a million times. It was always when you were going to do something stupid." Aiden stated looking at her sister. 

She noticed that Pip grabbed her hand and started pulling her to the door. There was no way of talking Pip out of it. No matter what. Pip looked at Aiden one last time just to double check she was making the right choice. Aiden didn't look at Pip but knocked on the door. She knew that Pip would be too scared to do it. The twins could hear the door being unlocked. And suddenly Ravi's face  looked back at them.

"Hello?" He asked looking between the twins. He heled the door half open and Aiden noticed that his arm was folded over it. She looked over him and noticed that he looked so much like Sal. Aiden looked at Pip knowing that she was thinking the exact same thing.

"Hello. I'm Aiden Fitz-Amobi and this is my twin sister Pip." Aiden stated putting her hand out for him to shake. He shook her hand. Aiden noticed that they must of been there for a bit of time because Nolan popped up behind Ravi's shoulder.

"Hello?" Nolan asked looking between the twins. 

"Let me do the talking." Aiden whispered into Pip's ear. Everyone knew that Pip was a very nervous person.

"Um.... hi." Pip stated. Aiden knew that she was nervous speaking to the twins in front of her. 

"Hi?" Ravi asked again looing between the twins again.

"You might not recognise us. But we were a few years below you at school. Well before you two left." Aiden stated.

"Okay..." Nolan stated. 

"We was wondering if we could borrow a jiffy of your time? Well not a jiffy... Did you know a jiffy is an actual measurement? Its one one-hundredth of a second, so can you maybe spare sequential jiffies?" Pip asked the twins. 

"Okay I'm sorry about my sister and what she says when she is nervous." Aiden said looking at Pip. Both the Fitz-Amobi sisters wondered when Pip had ever said jiffy before. 

"What?" Both twins at the same time.

"I'm so sorry about her. We are currently doing an EPQ at school and..." Aiden started.

"What an EPQ?" Nolan asked the twins.

"Extended project Qualification. It's a project that you work on independently, alongside A levels. You can pick whatever topic you want." Pip explained. Aiden sighed a sigh of relief when Pip didn't panic about what to say.

"Oh, we never got that far in school. Left as soon as we could." Ravi explained making the Fitz-Amobi twins look at each other.

"Er, okay, well, we were wondering of you two would be willing to do an interview for our project. As it's on the same thing." Aiden stated.

"What's it about?" Ravi asked the twins. Aiden suddenly grew silent. Something that was very rare. As she always had something to say. Nolan noticed that the confident twin had grew silent.

"Um... what happened five years ago." Pip stated. Both the Singh twins exhaled. Ravi looked like he was getting angry.

"Why?" Nolan asked.

"Because Ravi didn't do it. And we are going to prove it." Aiden stated making both Pip and the Singh twins look at her.

"Come back Friday then." Nolan stated looking at Aiden.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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