part 1 chapter 1: your first day

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Hey, I'd just like to say that I am terrible at spelling and that I am very sleep deprived while writing this. So if I make mistakes, then my bad 🤷🏽 (I mostly proofread, but I can get lazy)

You wake up in the backseat if you're moms car too hear Christmas Kids by Roar playing on your headphones. You pause your music and take off your headphones and check the time to see its 4pm Sunday. "Finally up? You where passed out back there for a while. You realy need to fix your sleep scedual." You hear your mom say from the front seat of your car. You rub your eyes and take a sip form your water bottle before speaking. "Are we almost there yet?" You ask nervously. You really can't belive your moving so far away from your hometown. When your mom first announced that you would be moving you got excited to move to a new area. But when you found out the new 'amazing' area would be a crummy old town in Colorado you almost fainted. You just couldn't believe your mom would pick this place. Like be so for real. "Yeah actualy we just made it into our new town!" Oh look out of the window and see a more country looking area. You notice a few kids playing outside in the snow. Your not used to how cold the weather is because of where you used to live it was always so warm. But here it's freezing! And you where not ready for that at all. "Mom it's freezing." You look at her annoyed. "Well yes honey it is that time of year." She replied. "Mom it's only September. Why is there snow." No because now your actualy concerned. Does this place just skip autumn or something? At my old town it would still be in the high 70s at least. And over here there's 2 feet of snow on the ground and the kids are playing in it likes it's nothing! "Honey we moved REALY far away so there's going to be alot of changes and stuff your not going to be used to for a little while." She said calmly. Your mom was always so calm barley ever got mad unless somebody messed with you. Sure though She is very calm she is also  a bit overprotective. Not in the way where she doesn't let you on social media or outside. But the type where if a stranger looked at you the wrong way she would start a fight or give them the nastiest look. Eventually you felt your car turn into a driveway of a house that looked the exact same as every other on the street except for the color witch was blue. "Alright here we are. Now how about you go take a look inside." She gestured you to go inside. You put your head phones around your neck and held your phone in your hand. You put your phone up and took a picture of the new house on snap yurnek chat. You put the description as "look at my new house sooo much better than my old one😐" and sent go to open the door but realise it's locked. You turn to your mom who has already known and threw the keys to you. "Forgot to give you the keys sorry!" She sighed putting down a heavy box. Youciaght the keys and  turn back around too open the door to the brand new house. The door creaked as sunlight flooded the house. You turn on the light and explore the place. After a little bit of exploring you pic your room and get boxes to help pack. After about 3 hours of unpacking most of the stuff your mom finds you scrolling on your phone in your room."Hey I know it's a bit late but I heard there's a small coffee shop close by.we should get something to drink and possibly meet new people." You look up at her then out a window witch was covered with snow. "It's too cold. No." You replied. Well you should have known that your mom wouldn't alow you to just sit on your ass for the rest of the day. Because she snatched your phone from your hand and ran out of your room outside. Well now you have to follow behind your mom yelling at her for your phone back until she gets into the car and points to the passenger seat to where your phone is. "Ok ok fine I'll go." You roll your eyes and hop into your car. "Mom I do have one question about your choice in houses.." you look up at your mom then back at the house. "Huh? What about my choice of houses?" She smiles completely oblivious. "Mom. We have like.. 13 million in our bank you know. You are litteraly a famous actor for horror movies. Why are we moving to such a poor town and why is our house so small?" You look at her actusly confused. "Well I don't want to raise a kid that just relies on money. So sure your going to be rich but you can't spend so much money anymore. And your going to live life like a normal kid like these people! Also you need to get new friends. Your last friends just used you for your money." Well, she wasn't wrong about that. Without your money you don't think anybody would even talk to you before. Well actusly you never really wanted friends. You were better off without them anyways but they just started following you around and asking for stuff. You shouldn't even call them freinds. "I guess I can see that. Please tell me I'm not living here for the rest of my life." You looked at your mom desperately she snorted and laughed at you."Oh no no no honey of course not." You let out a sigh of relief and smiled. "You will just stay here until you're ready to move out!" Your smile dropped. You knew you wouldn't move out for a few more years. It is only your freshman year of high school. You felt the car come to a stop. "Alright, here's the coffee shop." Both yiu and your mom got out of the car. Outside smelled like cow shit and the coffee shop did not look as appetizing as coffee shops at your old town. Your mom confidentially walked in, and you shuffled in hesitantly. You smelled warm coffee and pastries. You and your mom walked up to the counter. "Hey, we are new here. What do you think your fan favorite coffee is on the menu?" You mom asked. You looked in front of her to see a boy your age with blonde messy hair and small bandages on his fingers. The boy was literally twitching. You looked around the coffee shop, and the people in the shop that were drinking the coffee looked different. "Ngh- uhm, a lot of people like Carmel Machado." The boy stuttered when he talked. "Alright, I'll just get 2 of thoose, please."  Your mom relied as the boy walked to make the and your mom walked over to a small booth and  sat down. "Mom, something seemed really wrong with that kid. Did you see him twitching and stuff?" You look around the place to see only adults there, and all of them seemed really hyper. You understand that it's coffee, but coffee never makes you THAT hyper.. "Oh hun he probably just has something wrong with him," your mom replied. You hear the boy call your moms name for her coffee. You wait for your mom to get up, but instead, she gives you a look  to get the coffee. You sigh and get up to get your awkwardly walk up, pick up your coffee,and turn around. Just before you could walk off, the kid stops you. "Hey, wait!" You turn back around slowly. "Yes...?" You give him a confused look. "Uhm, are you.. new here?" He asked you. Wow, could people really tell that fast when there's new people. "Yeah, I'm new. I just moved in today, actually." The boy lifted his eyebrows."Gah!- really!? That's great. We never get new people!"  He seems excited to see a new person. "Well, yeah, thanks. This is my first time moving somewhere like not used  to the country. Realy cold." The boy looks outside to the snow falling. "Yeah, it's always snowing here it might be hard to get used to it. But me and the rest of the people here have lived in this all our lives." Wow, so they are really used to snow. "Yeah, uhm, I need to get going now, but thanks for the coffee." You turn and speed walk to your mom.  You hate talking to people. It's always so awkward. "So you think he likes you? Maby your first boyfreind of this town?" Your mom winked at you as you sat down and gave her the coffee. "Mom, that kids weird. Honestly, I could never date him,plus you know im not attracted too yk.." You side eyed the boy who was taking orders. You never even got his name. You took a sip of your coffee before your eyes lit up, and you gulped down the whole mug. Sure this coffee wasn't as good as from your hometown but you haven't had coffee since you started moving and damn you missed it.the weird thing with coffee is that though it's sopose to make most people more energized it mostly makes you more tired and you even feel calm while drinking it.  You and your mom finish your coffee and leave the shop. "Alright, it's pretty late, and you have school tomorrow, so get ready for bed."  You nod and go to brush your teeth before heading to bed, just before you turned off your light. In your room, you heard a quiet knock on your room door. You got up and opened the door. "Huh?"  Oh, it was just your mom! "Sorry hun I forgot to tell you that I'm not going to be here in the morning. Important work stuff. So you will be going on the bus to get to school. There is a bud stop sign, which is where you will stand to wait for the bus." The thought of having to wait in the freezing cold snow. Having to wait there for who knows how long. You sighed "Alright mom. I'll make sure to have a warm coat." You watched your mom nod and kiss your cheek "goodnight honey I know you probably don't like this place now, but I'm sure you'll warm up to it eventually." Said your  good nights and hopped into your bed. After a few minutes, you finally drifted off to sleep.

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