10 - Deep void

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Y/N was in her dark, unlit room, sobbing onto her pillow. Robin? Shot? That felt so unreal. Trembling, she felt something in her...ignite. As if it was some sort of aid flame. Unusual burning feeling spread through her whole body, like she reagained her power and strenght that was long lost. As if thousands of novas happened inside of her, she felt like a supernova. A star exploding. Her insides were on fire. While she was struggling to sit up, she was also battling with an urge to throw up.

Walls around her morphing into different shapes gave her feeling as if she was sinking to the bed. Confused, scared even she finally sat up. She wanted to go to Sunday. Maybe he could help her. That's right, he would help her. She had to see him. Now. But as she stood up, she immediately fell to the ground. As if she had low blood pressure, she couldn't get up. The girl could only sit and wait for it to pass.

She looked at the ceiling, which was now full of white little dots, shining through the deep space. Y/N couldn't help it but stare at them.

"Svjetlana, do you think the stars get lonely sometimes?" She heard a voice beside her. Immediately looking around, she saw a brunette girl sitting next to her, also looking at the stars. The h/c haired girl realized that she wasn't in her room anymore. She hoped that the girl sitting beside her could answer her questions, but when she was about to ask, different words came out of her mouth.

"I don't think so. I mean, there's just so many of them, surely they can't get lonely if they have one another," she said instead, confused by her own words. What was that? Some kind of memory again? But it felt so real. Sitting on grassy hill was definitely not the same as sitting in her room. However, she no longer wanted to puke nor saw weird morphing shapes. This felt right.

"I think it's a pity that you think that. When you became a star after I died, you were quite suffering,"


"Oh you stupid little Y/N, have you already forgotten? Your home planet got destroyed with me, and all of it's power somehow got into you and you became a star as a punishment. Floating around the endless void alone, burning." Y/N finally saw the girl's face. The brunette smiled at her with wide brown eyes. It was honestly very creepy.

"Who are you?"

"How dare you forget me, you dumb girl. I was the only person you could ever trust," she threatened, her face now getting bloody, skin falling from it showing her face muscles.

"You are not Nadia." Y/N clenched her fists, wanting to look away from the decomposing face, but she couldn't. She remembered. Her name used to be in fact, Svjetlana. Not only that, but Svjetlana Korolovna. She used to be an assassin for the royal family on her home planet. A planet named Zemila. Nadia was the princess of the royal family and her only friend. This was just a cursed delusion in front of her. This was not Nadia.

"Glad you figured it out, Svjetlana, but never forget your past," the delusion said, slowly disappearing. Y/N was in her room again.




The blonde looked at the lavender haired woman. "I always knew that Sunday has a plan with Y/N and I know you know," he said with confidence.

"Aventurine, I won't lie, I do know. But I can't tell you. The maximum I can do is to give you a few hints," she responded, smirking and sitting on the couch in the IPC's VIP room. It was the same couch that he and Y/N made out on. The man expected this kind of reaction, so he wasn't surprised at all.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 [Sunday x FEM!reader]Where stories live. Discover now