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A/N: I was kinda proud of the prev ch but then I reread it... I also will experiment with POVs so don't be suprised if some chs are in different POVs. And yes I changed the story a bit, altering how Masachika and Sanemi met.


The three of them stood before you, inspecting your injuries one by one. One of the boys next to Masachika perked up, as they probably remembered something. "Hey, did you guys kill the demon that was in this area?" 
Sanemi beside you scowled at him. "Of course we did, what does it have to do with you?" Now the other person beside them started rambling. "It has much to do with us! WE were the ones assigned to slay that demon for our payment! You guys don't even look like demon slayers to begin with!" His anger was understandable, but Masachika raised his arm before him. "Well, it's unfortunate that this happened but first of all we should treat your wounds." He tried to ease the tension and held his arm up more for a crow to land on it. He petted it gently before asking it to lead us to a nearby wisteria house.

"Please follow us, we will take you to a place where you can rest and heal." His eyes met the other slayer's eyes, who was still annoyed by the fact we stole their job. "It is still in our responsibilities to look after the wounded." He hinted that he should calm down, it wasn't their last job anyway.

Sanemi puffed while you still remained silent. "At least there's someone with a rational brain." You sweat dropped at his comment. "Sanemi, you should leave them be..." You whispered, but he ignored it, turning away from you. You were the type to enjoy any little fight that broke out, but only between acquaitances or friends, never between strangers. The tension didn't lessen as Masachika led the group. You walked next to Sanemi, who was next to Masachika. The other two demon slayers were behind you, still glaring at Sanemi.

"You mentioned something like "demon slayers", would you elaborate?" Somehow, his question brightened him up. A gentle smile decorated his face as he was about to respond. Sanemi was caught by surprise by his reaction. He didn't like when someone smiled without a reason or was just unintentionally optimistic, but for some reason, he didn't get as irritated as he expected to be. "You already know that demons exist since you killed one, there's an organization created to destroy demons. Sadly it's not officially recognized by the government." His explanation halted when an idea crossed his mind. "But do you two want to join the demon slayer corps? I would be very happy to introduce you to a cultivator!" There were literal flowers around his head as he said that.

Until he asked you and Sanemi that question, you zoned out because the forest interested you more than their conversation. You were sore all over your body and tired, you even surprised yourself for not fainting. Even though you felt your eyelids closing, you gave a short "Sure, why not?" answer before you facepalmed into the ground. You heard their muffled voices panicking before you completely lost consciousness. 

You felt your body being carried the moment you felt yourself awakening. "Are you up?" Sanemi sensed your movements on his back and asked. You shot up, realizing the one and only Sanemi was giving you a piggyback ride. "YES!" Your face was tinted pink, but Sanemi didn't give a damn since you almost fell off of him. "Stop jumping, you're gonna fall!" With a nervous expression you positioned yourself and let him carry you, against your embarrassment. 

"Don't worry, we're almost there." One of the slayers assured you. True to their wordyou reached the wisteria house pretty soon. When you stood before the entrance Sanemi slowly removed you from his back and did some stretching. "You're damn heavy..." He complained under his breath but you heard it. "IF YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT TO A GIRL, DON'T BE SURPRISED IF THEY WILL KILL YOU!" You smacked his head and tried to emphasize that what he said was really disrespectful. The slayers surrounding you too looked at him, and their expressions held dissappointment. Sanemi was taken aback by the disapproving gazes, and his growing irritation made him shout back. "DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT, BET YOU WOULD SAY THE SAME IF YOU HAD TO CARRY HER ALL THE WAY HERE!" His defensive response didn't do him justice, and as he finished, your hands met his face a couple of times as the demon slayers sighed.

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