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The day after, Harry decided to leave his room, again.

Harry stepped out of his room, the dim light of the corridor casting long shadows on the stone walls. His eyes were still adjusting when he heard a soft rustling of wings. Turning, he saw Beth standing there, her sharp eyes fixed on him.

"So, you finally decided to come out," Beth said, her voice a mix of melody and menace. "I was beginning to think you might rot in there."

Harry met her gaze, trying to mask his unease. "I needed some time to think," he replied curtly.

Beth tilted her head, studying him with a curious intensity. "And what have you concluded, Harry?" she asked, her wings twitching slightly. "Have you accepted your place here?"

Harry's jaw tightened. "I'm not accepting anything. I don't belong here. This isn't my fate."

A sly smile played on Beth's lips. "Fate has a funny way of catching up with us, whether we like it or not," she said. "You might find it easier to accept your situation."

Harry shook his head, frustration bubbling to the surface. "How can you live like this? Serving Louis, living in this... place?"

Beth's eyes darkened, and for a moment, a flicker of sadness crossed her features. "I didn't choose this, Harry. None of us did. But we adapt, we survive. It's all we can do."

"Survive," Harry echoed bitterly. "Is that all there is?"

Beth took a step closer, her talons clicking on the stone floor. "Survival is just the beginning. You can find purpose, even here. Look at Robert. He found a way to live with his punishment."

Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Robert. He told me about his daughter. How he ended up here."

Beth nodded. "Yes, and he's found a way to cope. You could too, if you stop fighting it."

"I'm not giving up," Harry said firmly. "There has to be a way out of this. A way to escape."

Beth's expression softened slightly, her eyes reflecting a hint of empathy. "Harry, you can't escape hell. But you can change how you exist within it. That's the only freedom you have."

Harry looked at her, searching for any sign of hope. "And you? What's your story, Beth? Why are you here?"

Beth's smile faded, replaced by a look of resignation. "I was once like you, full of defiance and hope. But over time, I learned that fighting only leads to more suffering. Now, I serve Louis, and in return, I have peace of mind."

Harry frowned, his thoughts racing. "Peace of mind? In hell?"

Beth nodded slowly. "It's not what you think. Peace doesn't mean happiness here. It means acceptance. It means finding a way to endure."

Harry fell silent, contemplating her words. Beth watched him, her sharp eyes softening.

"You're stronger than you think, Harry," she said gently. "But strength isn't just about fighting. Sometimes, it's about knowing when to bend without breaking."

Harry met her gaze, a flicker of determination in his eyes. "I won't break," he said quietly. "I'll find a way."

Beth nodded, a hint of respect in her expression. "I hope you do, Harry. I really do."

She took a step closer, her voice dropping to a soothing whisper. "But consider this: maybe your purpose here isn't just about you. Maybe you could help others find their way, too. Like Robert, like... me."

Harry's resolve wavered as he looked into Beth's eyes. There was a sincerity there, a depth of understanding that he hadn't expected. "You really believe that?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

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