Episode 6- That boy is mine ❤️

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At night

[ Sora was in the shower. Jaxx was laying down on the bed. Sora then got out of the shower, puts on a towel and opened the door to the Soraxx room. ]

Sora: Hey baby~

[ Jaxx smiled at Sora. ]

Jaxx: How was your shower?

Sora: It was soooooo refreshing. The only problem was........ I was all alone in there. But at least I get to be in bed with you.

Jaxx: Yeah. But you just got out of the shower.

Sora: Oh you're right. Hahaha. Then I guess I have to change into my favorite pajamas.

[ Before Sora could take off his towel. He looked at the camera and glared at it. Sora walked towards the camera and covered it with a blanket. ]

With Charli and Luca

Charli: ...............

Luca: Everything okay Charli?

Charli:  No. I have a weird feeling.

Luca: What weird feeling?

Charli: That Light might be cheating on me with Levi.

Luca: .............. What?

Charli: Light hasn't been talking to me and go on sweet dates with me. Sometimes I wish our relationship was like Jaxx and Sora's. They're literally kissing right now.

Luca: Yeah these walls are pretty thin. Maybe it's like you said, Light doesn't like to show it in front of people.

Charli: Then why is he showing his love to you and Levi?! Huh?!

Luca: Charli you're starting to scare me. I don't even like Light. He's not my type.

Charli: Don't worry Luca I trust you. I just don't trust Levi's boyfriend stealing self!

Luca: Y-Yeah! He tried to break Jaxx and Sora up that one time. He's known to be a boyfriend stealer!

Charli: Yeah. I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind tomorrow!

Luca: Yeah you do that! That's my bestie!

( Luca's Confessional:

It's better Levi than me. And plus I'm pretty sure Levi needs a storyline in this show. )

Charli: I'm gonna do that. See you in the morning.

Luca: See you in the morning Charli.

[ Charli walks upstairs to her room. Luca sighed of relief. ]

Luca: That was a close one.

The next day

[ The squad and Ivy was at the park having a picnic. A girl saw the picnic and looked at Sora. ]

???: Sora?!

[ Sora looks behind him and was surprised. ]

Sora: Peyton?!

[ Peyton ran out to give Sora a hug. Jaxx got a little bit jealous. ]

Peyton: I missed you so much!

Sora: I missed you too!

Jaxx: Ahem. Sora who is she?!

Peyton: Oh you must be Sora's boyfriend.

Jaxx: Yes. Who the fluck are you?!

Sora: Jaxx don't be mean! Sorry about him he's so overprotective.

Alex: But seriously who are you?

Peyton: Hi. I'm Peyton. Sora's best friend. I already know who you guys are. I've seen your TV show.

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