"LILY! TAKE THE KIDS AND RUN! ILL HOLD HIM OFF AS BEST I CAN!" James Potter screamed at his wife.
Lily nodded her head and ran to the twins bedroom. She heard Voldemort scream out stupefy and then heard a body thud on the floor. She cried as she hugged her two baby boys, placing them in their cribs as she got her wand out. Voldemort blasted open the door with a deranged smile on his face. Lily began throwing any and every curse at Voldemort to try and stop him. They did nothing against his power. All Voldemort had to do is flick his wrist and Lily fell to the floor, unconscious.
Voldemort went over to the twins, and needed to figure out which one was the prophecy about. He first went to the chubby baby with red hair like his mother, and hazel eyes like his father. He was wailing his eyes out. Voldemort looked at his core magic level and immediately knew it was not this child, as this child had a level of magic that was 178 which was 28 above from what a squib would be. Voldemort then went to the other child, this child was extremely calm, even with all the screaming and crying going on. He just stared up at Voldemort.
Let's read this child's magic core level, hopefully it isn't as disappointing as the other one. Voldemort thought to himself. He closed his eyes and read the boy who had pitch black hair like his father, and with the most vivid green eyes he has ever seen, they, without a doubt out shone his mothers eyes. They reminded Voldemort of the color of Avada Kedavra. Voldemort opened his eyes in shock. This boys magic level was 847!? And he was just a year old?! That level is close to mine right now!? This child could have become a stronger wizard than Merlin himself. This level at this age is unheard of.
"This boy.. it's a shame I need to kill you, young one. I would have loved to take you under my wing.." Voldemort sighed. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" Voldemort screamed out. It all happened to quick, the curse bounced off Hadrian hitting Voldemort causing his to "die", the curse caused a scar to form over Hadrians eye. It was glowing Avada Kedavra green. Hadrian was then unconscious due to the fact he not only rebounded the curse but also absorbed the curse. The impact of the curse caused shrapnel to go flying towards the red headed twin slicing a mark over his nose. Celius was crying even louder, if that's possible.
James was beginning to wake up when Dumbledore arrived at the scene.
"James! My boy! We need to find the twins and hope they haven't been hurt!" Dumbledore said, a little too happy for the situation.
James immediately got up and ran to the twins' room. Lily was in there slowly regaining consciousness. James ran over to her to help her up. She got up and ran to her babies.
"Celius! Sh sh it's ok my baby, James take him!" She handed James Celius. She then went over to Hadrians crib and then let out a scream.
"HADRIAN! NO PLEASE, PLEASE DONT BE DEAD!" She started crying as she picked up her son, her baby, her child. Dumbledore came over and checked his pulse.
"Don't worry Lily dear, Hadrian boy here is just unconscious. But now we must see which one took down Voldemort!" Dumbledore again said this far too happy for the contexts. He looked at Hadrian to see if there was any remnants of dark magic and found none, and he then look at Celius and found dark magic remnants. Dumbledore clapped his hands and took Celius from James' arms.
"Celius m'boy is indeed the boy who lived! He took down Voldemort!" Dumbledore chanted happily. "He is going to be the savior of the light! You need to start training him as soon as possible, but for Hadrian, I think you should send him away.." Dumbledore said with fake sadness but James and Lily didn't notice.
"What? Why?" Lily questioned not wanting to send away her first born, granted it was by 11 minutes.
"Because all of your attention needs to be on Celius, and young Hadrian here may get jealous." Dumbledore said, hiding a smirk.
"Ok, where would we send him?" James asked not thinking twice, he was just absorbed with the fact his son, Celius is the savior of the light.
"To Petunias, her family will take care of him." Dumbledore spoke.
Lily knew better then to fight against Dumbledore, because she knew he was right. "Ok,.. here's Hadrian.." She handed Hadrian over to Dumbledore who took him with a forced gentle smile. Dumbledore waved goodbye with a smile, leaving the potters he wrote a quick note explaining to the Dursleys the situation, and left him on the front steps, in the middle/end of fall, when it's starting to get to freezing temperatures. Dumbledore of course knew this and decided not to do anything besides give Hadrian a blanket. He then muttered something under his breath that sounded something like "you won't be a stronger wizard than me.."
Petunia heard a knock on the door and called down the Vernon to open it because she was tucking in Dudley to go to sleep. Vernon opened the door and to his surprise no one besides a child was there, sleeping.
"Petunia.. you need to come down right now." Vernon grumbled after reading the note that was left with the boy.
Petunia made her way down and saw the child. "Vernon, what is this?!" She hollered at him, he looked at her and handed over the note. Petunia took it and began reading, her face filled with anger. "No. We are not keeping this child. Vernon take him to an orphanage." Petunia said with evident anger.
Vernon picked up Hadrian and drove to a random orphanage in London. Vernon pulled in and parked his car signed Hadrian in. The orphanage was called Wools orphanage. Vernon drove away.
Should I add a ship in this story? I'm good with any types, tomarry drarry haphne... etc. which ever I see commented the most will be the ship, you can also ask for other "background " characters relationships! Enjoy reading!

The Lights mistake, the Darks Gift.
FanfictionHadrian is a baby boy with extraordinary magic. He has a twin brother, Celius Potter, who has a magic level just above a squib. What happens when Voldemort comes to kill Hadrian, fails and "dies"? What happens when Celius is named the Boy-Who-Lived...