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jake hyunggg
sunghoonie hyung bailed on me
wanna play soccer?

can't today
i'm going swimming later
with heeseung hyung

with WHO?
since when do you two know each other?

it's a long story
i've been meaning to mention it honestly
but i can't get into it right now

you owe me an explanation asap
have fun though
and try not to catch feelings
we all know your track record with straight guys

i hate you
never talk to me ever again

love you too, hyung~

Jake doesn't quite realize the consequences of bringing his crush to a swimming pool until they're in the locker room and Heeseung is slipping his shirt over his head. He stares for about five seconds before realizing that's kind of creepy and he quickly turns around, discarding his own shirt.

This is only the second time they've actually seen each other face to face, and he doesn't want to fumble it. Heeseung told him not to worry about it, but he can't help but overthink about whether he's being weird.

"You ready?" Jake asks Heeseung, and the older nods. Maybe he's imagining the way Heeseung's eyes flick between his chest and his face, and he decidedly ignores it.

The pool is a decent size, definitely not Olympic-sized, but big enough to swim laps if desired. There's no lanes, though, just one big pool with no separation lines. The shallow end is four feet deep, and the deep end is twelve.

"Wanna race?" Heeseung asks, nodding his head towards the pool. "Deep end to shallow. One way."

Jake smiles, instinctively grabbing Heeseung's arm and pulling him to the edge of the deep end. "Let's do it. I was on swim team for four years, so good luck."

Heeseung just returns the smile, then starts counting down from three. On one, they both jump into the pool, disturbing the calm stillness of the water, the coolness of it sending a slight shock through their systems. Jake revels in the feeling, nostalgic of his days back in Brisbane, the feeling of cold water breaking through oppressive heat. Now, though, the heat is internal, brought about by the same boy he brought with him.

Soon enough, his hand touches the edge of the pool's shallow end, and he shoots up from the water excitedly only to see Heeseung already waiting for him, his maroon hair slicked back from the water, rivulets dripping down his face and pooling in his collarbones.

"What the fuck?" Jake exclaims, shaking the water out of his hair like a dog before pushing it back away from his face. "How are you that fast?"

Heeseung grins brightly, his teeth white and perfectly straight. Jake has a split-second impulsive thought that he wants Heeseung to bite him, and immediately beats that thought into submission with the last remnants of his self-control. "I was also on swim team," Heeseung says with a little laugh. "Seven years, though, so I have you beat."

Jake can't help but pout at that, but it doesn't last long, Heeseung's smile way too contagious for him not to mirror it. "What aren't you good at?" Jake muses. "Medicine, music, sports, English. You're a true ace."

"I can't cook for shit," Heeseung offers.

Jake giggles. "Most college students can't." Heeseung just shrugs, and Jake tries his best not to stare at the trails of water running down his neck. "Wanna race again?"

Heeseung just shoots him a grin, pushing off the wall of the pool and swimming toward the deep end, and Jake quickly does the same to catch up to him.

After about an hour of swimming, they pull themselves up to the edge of the shallow end, sitting with their legs dangling in the water. It's a bit chilly, but Jake doesn't mind, staring out to the other end of the pool.

"Hey," Heeseung says after a little while of silence. "Thanks for bringing me here, Jaeyun. I'm having a lot of fun."

Jake's heart flutters at the use of his Korean name. Nobody else calls him Jaeyun, not even his immediate family, so it feels oddly... Intimate. Special. Like something that's just for the both of them. He quickly shoves that thought to the back of his brain with the rest of them.

"I've had a lot of fun today too," Jake says, splashing his feet in the water. "It's actually been a while since I've gone swimming."

"Really?" Heeseung asks, mirroring Jake's action and creating waves around his feet.

"I study too much," Jake admits with a laugh, reaching down and splashing some water in Heeseung's direction. In retaliation, Heeseung kicks up a wave of water that sprays over them both, so Jake slips back into the water to guard himself from any more attacks. In doing so, he grabs Heeseung's legs and pulls him into the water with him, earning a yell that soon morphs into laughter. Jake quickly escapes by swimming towards the other side of the shallow end.

"Yah, Sim Jaeyun!" Heeseung yells, chasing after Jake at an impressive speed. Jake ducks under the water for a few moments, and when he resurfaces, Heeseung is right in front of him, and he shrieks as the older boy grabs him and jams his fingers into the bare skin of Jake's sides.

The laugh that tumbles out of him is impossible to stop. "Hyung, hyung, that tickles—" Jake can't even form a full sentence through his laughter, and he quickly plunges underneath the water again, attempting to escape Heeseung's grasp. He succeeds in slipping away from the elder's fingers, and he takes a moment to regroup.

When he comes up again, Heeseung is right in front of him, small remnants of laughter bubbling out of him as they both catch their breaths. They don't say anything, just looking at each other, and Jake prepares himself to speak and fill the silence but—

But then suddenly there's lips crashing into his and hands cupping his face and what the fuck Heeseung is kissing him. Jake freezes for all of three seconds before gathering his composure and kissing Heeseung back, looping his arms around the other boy's neck, wet skin sliding against wet skin as he scrambles for purchase.

It's messy, it's uncoordinated, and Heeseung tastes like chlorine and chapstick but Jake doesn't care. He's too focused on the slight tremble of Heeseung's hands pressing against his cheeks, the firm expanse of his shoulders under Jake's hands, the warmth of where their mouths slowly drag together.

After a while, Heeseung pulls back with a small gasp, chest rising and falling quickly as they both catch their breaths again. He doesn't stray far, though, his forehead pressing against Jake's, berry-red hair matted to his skin and sticking to Jake's own from the moisture. From this close, Jake can see each of Heeseung's eyelashes individually, droplets of water clinging to them the way he's clinging to Heeseung.

"Was that okay?" Heeseung whispers, his thumbs running over Jake's cheekbones, collecting drops of water like tears as they drip from Jake's hairline.

"Yeah," Jake breathes out, and with that Heeseung closes their remaining distance once again, stealing anything else Jake wanted to say right from his lips.


haha... hello. double update because i went a bit crazy and wrote all of this today. i've been so excited for this chapter, i hope you guys enjoyed 🤭

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