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I just had a massive revelation.

So I'm sitting on my bed, listening to music and reading Phan fiction like always when I suddenly imagined what I looked like in this moment.

I kinda just thought about how I must look right now, with messy hair, in my pj's and feeling all tired.

And for the first time in a very long time, I liked what I imagined.

I'm just in a very weird mood where I'm really confident with how I look and I never really knew how it felt but it's strange and new and it feels really good.

Having people tell you that you're not pretty for a very long time makes you believe it. And sorry, mum, but your opinion doesn't count.

But, man, having someone tell you you're beautiful is so fucking weird. And I never really believed it. But right now, I fucking believe it.

And I'm saying this here cos the people who actually read these rants aren't judgemental.

Some people think that it's vain or conceited to think you're pretty.

Fuck. Them.

Like, it feels so fucking good. It's such a good feeling and it's something that people should be confident about. Because it feels amazing and we should be encouraging people to feel like this.

I mean, I was watching a load of those "#dontjudgechallenge" videos and many of them are making fun of things like: double chins, bad teeth, glasses, acne and messy hair.

But guys, the "beautiful" image they portray isn't natural. There's nothing wrong with make up and wearing it to feel confident. I'd probably wear it if I could. But the point is, "beauty" we see today is fake. And it doesn't fucking matter.

I got all those things that they're saying make people ugly and I feel pretty as fuck right now.

I dunno, I feel like I'm trying to rant and I know what to say but I can't write it down.

Acne is normal
Glasses are normal
Double chins are normal
Bad teeth are normal
Messy hair is normal
Make up is normal

Everything is fucking normal and it's all okay and if you feel pretty then you feel fucking pretty. Fuck everyone else.

You're all fucking gorgeous and if you don't believe it, well, the moment you do realise it is fucking amazing.

F-bomb dropped 10 times in this rant ~Alex

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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