Chapter 1: The Incident

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Tessa's POV

"Are you ready to sign Ms. Barns?" I look up from the contract into his dark eyes.

I cant believe my whole is about to change as soon as I sign the dotted line.

Let me take you back a few hours to explain what's happening...

*3 days earlier*

"Tessa! Table three needs more coffee!" I hear the screeching voice from an old lady, my boss, yell to me from the break room.

I'm supposed to be on break...

I sigh and go to the kitchen to grab the coffee pot.

"Can't she give us a break?" My friend Molly states as she mops the floor.

"I mean, we work our butts off and barley get paid minimum wage." She rolls her eyes and huffs.

I turn to look at her and laugh when I see her uniform wrinkled due to the evening rush we had and some strings of her long blond hair falling out of her pony tail.

"Tell me about it, but at least it helps pay for some of our room and board fees." I respond.

She just scoffs, "more like for three textbooks."

Me and Molly are room mates at Yallander University. One of the most prestigious universities in America. It would've been impossible to pay for the tuition if we didn't work hard to gain several scholarships. We do have some expenses to pay for including our dorm and book fees, but the majority of it is paid for by the scholarships and I couldn't be more thankful.

I've know Molly ever since she came to live with me in grade 9 of high school.

Milgram's homes for orphans.

I've lived in an orphanage ever since I was born. No one know what happened to my parents or even where I was born. I was left on the doorstep when I was a few days old I was told.

All I had was a little notecard attached to the basket I was in that stated my date of birth and first name, Tessa. Mrs. Milgram, the owner, gave me a random last name.

Molly however, had a family but unfortunately they both got sick...

Ever since she came to Milgram's, we've been like sisters. We both made a pact that we'd study hard and get into our dream university. Were both studying to become fashion designers. I've been obsessed with fashion pretty much my whole life because I would love to see what people would wear and I had a habit of comparing it to my drab wardrobe the orphanage gave me.

Not that I would ever complain, I'm happy and extremely grateful I had shelter and a good education, its just I wanted to be able to rely on myself and find my own sense of style.

Its November so we've been in college for a few months and its hard but rewarding work.

"I better get going before I get yelled at again." Molly frowns and nods while turning back to mopping the floors.

I open the kitchen door and head into the tiny diner. I'm relieved my shift is almost over as Friday nights are the busiest and with the busiest times comes a pain in the butt annoying and stressed out boss.

I head to table three when a nearby chair from a different table gets kicked out right in front of me.

"ah!" I screech as I trip over the chairs leg and spill coffee over a customers pants!

You've got to be kidding me!

The customer who has an old and wrinkly face accompanied with grey thinning hair yelps as the hot coffee pools in the area where the sun don't shine!

"I am so sorry sir!" I say as I regain my balance and take out a rag.

the guy who was sitting with the poor old man got up from his chair.

"Sir Martin! Are you alright? Those clothes are expensive!" He shouts and groans all at once.

"I'm ok Benny, get the driver to swing around the front." The old man, Sir Martin says, still not looking at me.

I apologize once more as I clean his table and this time who I know now as Sir Martin looks up to glance at me.

He slowly looks me up and down with the same hard expression on his face.

Um what a creep.

he hums in what sounds like content and by this point my boss walks out and finds the mess.


"I'm very sorry sir can I get you anything for this accident? A muffin or one of our special drinks? free on us of course?"

"I'd actually just like to talk in private to this young lady." He gestures towards me.

His fancy looking and professional clothes accompanied by his well kept hair and hard facial expressions tells me he's not someone to mess with.

My stomach turns and I hope and pray he doesn't make me pay for them. I can barley afford to pay for my own clothes from thrift shops let alone the fancy attire he seems to be wearing. Well not anymore since the coffee will definitely stain his clothes.

I look at my boss who seems a little shocked and confused. "Well, ok then, you two can go into the back." She gestures the back rooms with her hand and Sir Martin turns and goes in first.

I feel like he will murder me...yikes.

I follow him into one of the break rooms and take a seat at the table he is occupying.

I take a deep breath and try to shoot my shot at a last attempted to save myself.

"I didn't spill it on purpose or anything sir, I tripped over a chair that suddenly shot out from one of the tables!" I scratch the back of my neck in nervousness. I cant even look at him in the eye.

They're so dark!

"I figured that much Ms.--?"

"Barns". I finish for him.

"Ms. Barns. You may not know but I'll just be frank with you. My name is Wembley Martin. I'm the royal advisor for a king from a smaller country overseas, you've probably never heard of before. I was knighted over 4 decades ago for my service to the throne so you may address me as Sir Martin. I am here in America on official royal business, which I shall not discuss here. This outfit here that is now ruined by the incident earlier was gifted to me by his majesty, the king."

My eyes go wide at this newfound knowledge. My hearts drops to my feet and my hands start to shake.

Are my dreams of going to college over in a matter of a few months? No! this can't be happening.

"I see your worried face Ms. Barns and I do think I have a better solution in order to help us both out rather then for you to pay for this quite costly outfit."

I slowly nod my head and I feel my breath even out.

"So what do you have in mind Sir Martin?" I question a bit worried.

"What I have in mind is a bit unconventional and has never before been done but desperate times calls for desperate measures. I simply just need one thing from you..."

What he said in the moment afterward I never thought would ever happen to me my entire life.

"I need you to come back with me and pretend to be a princess for the royal family."

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