Chapter 2: The Dilemma

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Tessa's POV

"I need you to come back with me and pretend to be a princess for the royal family." His voice comes out confidently.

I cock my head in confusion, "is this some kind of joke?" I press.

He shoots me an annoyed expression as he states, "I in fact never joke and especially never joke around about the kingdom or the royal family Ms. Barns."

His stern voice and expression makes me cower a bit back and look away.

I hear a sigh from Sir Martin as he rests his head in the palm of his hands on the table. "I'm sorry to be so abrupt young lady but the kingdom could really use your help. It would only be for a short time and we'd pay for all of your expenses and you would obviously live in the castle with the king and queen. They're good people."

I ponder his request for some time.

I mean, I did ruin his sacred outfit from the king so I should do something to make it up to him...but this whole thing, uprooting my whole life, the life I worked so hard for, seems a bit extreme.

I don't know what to do.

"This...just seems too much Sir Martin...I don't know what to make of this? Does the royal family know about this?" I question, not wanting to upset a whole freaking monarchy.

"His and her royal highness wanted me to find a solution to a certain problem they're having and I believe I have just found it, they would be more than happy." He returns both of his hands back onto his lap in a formal manner.

so fancy...

"Could you maybe tell me more about it? Once I have more information I will make my decision." I declare, a bit more confidently now.

"Of course, I will take my leave at once but I'll be in contact and we'll meet up before leaving to sign a contract, just to confirm a few things." He says while getting up from his chair.

"Wait, what about my schooling? and my job? I cant afford not to work I'm barley getting by!"

"No need to worry about such trivial things, I will take care of it." He says walking out the door of the break room.

"Its not trivial to me." I murmur annoyed at his lack of compassion.

I huff as I decide to get back to work. I try not to think about the weird incident but how could I not? I mean I've always wanted to travel, but not like this!

It doesn't help when Molly's been pestering me on what I talked about with Sir Martin. My boss has been keeping a close eye on me accompanied with an irritated expression so I try not to have chats with anyone and just continue to do my work, which of course Molly wasn't having it and I just told her I'd tell her once we get home tonight.

After a few more hours the clock strikes 7 PM and my shift is finally over.

Molly's was done at 6 so she's been waiting for me around town.

"Finally we can talk! Now what the heck happened with that old fancy pants dude?" She whisper shouts as we walk around the busy town back to our dorm room.

"Ill tell you more in detail when we're alone but long story short he wants me to travel to his country to pretend to be someone." I whisper back aware of the people around me.

Molly's even more intrigued so she starts to speed walk and pulls me with her to get to our dorm faster.

"Molly slow down! My feet hurt!" I complain as we finally make it back to campus.

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