chapter 1

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one two three and I catch it... Oh God, I knew I'd had enough of the pillow fight for the past four years, I'm tired.

Yaahh she is Hari. my best friend. It's her habit to wake me up by hitting me with a pillow in the morning, although I don't get up with just a voice, so she have to do it. Hari, who always stays with me and tells me half the solution to every problem, but gets me rid of the problem. Hari's company has been great for the past five years. Without her, I don't know how I'll face my life, and I always feel lucky that there's someone in my life who understands me.

Hari: "Wake up, Saga, you're late for college and you'll miss your class. Please, Hari, just five more minutes, I want to sleep a little longer," I reply. "No, get up, you're already late," she tells me. "Okay, by the way, what time is it?" I ask her. "It's 7:45, get up now," she replies with a smirk.

"Oh my, I'm late, why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I ask her, but she throws a pillow at me in response. I glare at her. "I told you, but where do you listen? Now get ready quickly if you want to bring your class on time and yes, breakfast is ready. Eat before going to college, I'll wait for you in the college library, okay?"

I quickly went to the bathroom, freshened up, and got ready for college. In college, our daily routine is Mr. Kim's class, followed by coffee at the cafe, and then reading a soft romance book in the library. Hari also accompanies me. We both like reading books, but our tastes are different. I prefer soft romance, she likes dark. We read books in the library. It's 9 PM and we should go home, Saga," she tells me. "Okay, then let's go," I reply. As we were about to leave, Hari told me she wanted to buy ramyeons and went to the store. "Okay, then I'll meet you at the apartment," I reply.

After walking a short distance, I felt like someone was following me. I turned around to look, but no one was there. I thought I was just imagining things because I was sleepy. But then I felt someone staring at me again. I felt strange at that time; my breath was stuck, it felt like someone wanted to kill me. I didn't understand anything, what should I do? I just wanted to get to the apartment somehow. I started walking slowly. I still felt someone's presence. I increased my pace and reached the apartment and locked the door.

I was feeling scared that what happened four years ago might happen again. Thinking about it, my lips and hands trembled, and I started crying. It couldn't happen again; it's been so long. Why is this happening to me again? My hands were shaking, and I couldn't catch my breath. I needed someone's presence, a hug. I needed to feel his presence with me. I knew pain makes sense. Thinking this, tears started flowing from my eyes. My heart felt a piercing pain, heavy with sorrow. Besides crying, I couldn't understand what to do. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and I glanced at it, hoping it wasn't them, praying it wouldn't happen again this time. Suddenly, Hari's voice came, and a long breath came out of my lips. Just one tear fell from my eyes and went to the door, knowing that Hari's first reaction was.

"What happened, Saga? Why are you crying? Tell me who made you cry," Hari worries about me all the time, no matter what happens. With her bubbly behavior, she solves every tensions in minutes and freshens up my mind. That's why everyone likes her a lot. I said, "Nothing, Hari, I just thought someone was following me," and you thought he was, right? I nodded. It's okay, Saga, let him come, I'm with you, and don't worry, okay? I'll always be with you, and together, we'll find a solution. Now go freshen up, I'll bring your Ramyeon. let's eat together.

My name is Min Saga and I'm 21 years old. I came to America to study. Mr. Min Kang-ho is my father, and he is also the CEO of Min Enterprise. He is the only family I have. My mother passed away during childbirth. He is the best father in the world and loves me very much. It was he who sent me to study in America so that I could pursue my dream of becoming a doctor. Apart from this, he didn't want me to stay in Korea, especially after an incident that happened four years ago. After freshening up, I looked at myself in the mirror. The scar was still visible and it bothered me. I always try to conceal these marks, and it doesn't feel good when someone mentions them. Putting on a full-sleeved t-shirt, I left the room.

"Hari, did you bring chocolates?" I asked. "Yes, they're in the freezer. You can take them," she replied. "Thanks," I said, heading towards the freezer. Suddenly, I slipped and fell. Hari rushed over, helped me up, and then gave me a lecture.

"Saga, I think you should get glasses because you couldn't see the chair. That's why you fell," she said. "Yeah, maybe I should," I replied. "Tomorrow, get your eyes checked at the hospital." "Okay," I said, but I always seem to stumble around. "Hari, stoppp, it's very funny," I added. "Okay, now my leg hurts," I replied to her.

"Oh, sorry, let me see," she said, sticking her tongue out in response. "It's not too bad. I'll apply ointment for you."

Today wasn't normal at all. I don't understand why I felt like I saw him. Maybe I'm overthinking it. It's been a long time since that incident, but it still feels like it just happened yesterday, haunting my eyes. I can't shake off these thoughts. It's 2 am, and even after four years, these thoughts haven't left me. I just don't want to dwell on all of that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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