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Hardik came back to his room and after taking a shower he was sitting on the bed watching tv , rahul came to sit beside him 

rahul - did something happen 

hardik - nah nothing serious 

rahul - you know you can tell me 

hardik - hmm 

rahul - okay then i will go to sleep 

after half an hour rahul slept but hardik was unable to sleep 
He keeps tossing on bed
Hardik'S mind
What should I do , should I continue reading
Hardik - ARGHHH
Rahul in sleep - what happened to you  hardik
Hardik - nothing just sleep ' he said being  annoyed'
Rahul - okay ' he said and turned to the other side '
Hardik - seriously Rahul ' he pulling back Rahul facing the ceiling '
Rahul - kya "what "
Hardik - I can't sleep ' pout and start climbing on rahul's chest '
Rahul - Harry I am seriously really tired today , I can't play around with you and please stop hovering over me
Hardik - why I will I want to
Rahul - this is becoming your habit and you can't do this with your wife , and if you do what  will I say to her and I mine too ' he laughed with closed eyes ' think our future wife see us like this ' he laughed louder ' so please stay on your side ' he said and make hardik lay on other side and turn then sleep '
Hardik - you so bad , you  keeping distance from me for those who don't even we know now , hey you listen- already slept
Hardik mind again went to complete his fiction - arghhh why this only
He went out to roam here and there and to his suprise he meet no one after another half hour he came back and lay down on bed and when he did Rahul came close to him put his hand on hardik's waist and one leg on his leg
Hardik smile - fuck everything i will read  it
He opened his iPad and start reading again
Wow so now even they together but didn't told me
Yes beat them more
Damn movie night
Cupid huh , yeah I usually felt butterflies when I touch Rahul's hand while eating popcorn and watching movie but I never make it obvious haha ' he laughed '
Damn it Vi bhai , nice choice by the way
Okay I will read one more chapter that's it
Damn vi bhai is jealous I will read just one more chapter just one
Just like this he read many chapters and slept while reading it
Next morning Rahul woke up first and saw hardik sleeping while holding his iPad he smiled while looking at him then takes the iPad
Rahul - what the fuck he was reading ' he laughed and then close the app without really focusing on what hardik was reading and went to washroom for shower '
Rahul came back and wake hardik - hey harry woke up we need to go to practice
Hardik - hmm
Rahul - wake up and go take shower
Hardik - yess
Rahul - hardik
Hardik - okay ' he went to washroom with closed eyes '
From washroom
Hardik - kannu my clothes
Rahul - I kept them on bed get ready and come
Hardik - you leaving already
Rahul - yess
Hardik whine from washroom
And Rahul chuckle at hardik's antic , sit on bed and start scrolling on his phone
Hardik come out of washroom - you didn't left
Rahul - when did I ' without looking at him '
Hardik gives a  big smile - clothes
Rahul - here ' look at hardik '
Hardik - what
Rahul - your body  improved alot i didn't notice till now
Hardik - thanks buddy ' wait I am blushing but why the fuck '
Rahul - you blushing ' laughed ' seriously hardik you
Hardik - shut up 'take clothes and looked away '
They went downstairs
Ishan - hello hardik bhaiya
Hardik - hmm
Subhman - hmm just hmm you still angry with us
Hardik - yup
Ishan - but not with Rahul Bhai
Hardik - nope why will I
Subhman - seriously bhaiya
Virat - okay boys enough talks eat only now
Siraj - just like your roomie
Rohit being unbothered eating his food
Siraj - see even now
Others laughed
Ishan - rohit bhaiya
Rohit - hmm ' mouth filled with food '
He laughed seeing Rohit chewing with mouth full of food he looks cute
Ishan - bhaiya you 30+
Rohit - so ' takes a bite '
Ishan - you eat like a  child ' he pinched his cheek as he was sitting next to him ' cute
Others - we agree
Rohit just eating
Sheryas - why punching his cheek
Ishan - because he is cute and sitting next to me , anything else bhaiya ' teasing him '
Sheryas - you-
Virat - take small bites Rohit no one is taking your food
Rohit - hmm
Virat - just him
Rohit - okay ' takes a small bite ' small enough
Virat - good , continue guys
Sheryas being done - I am done with talking
Mahi - what's going on guys , hardik what's up with you
Hardik - nothing especial
Subhman - not talking to us
Yuvi - I never thought that one day like this will come too that hardik needs peace of mind now you know hardik , how we felt
Rohit laughed along with shami
Subhman - you just call us a peace destroyer ' pout '
Hardik - not only you me too
Others laughed at them
Yuvi - yeah that's exactly what I want to say
Rishab - paji it's that's not what I mean or want to say
Yuvi - nah I exactly want to mean that
Yuzi - Kara Li bezzati happy now
Rohit - okay boys breakfast time over let's go to ground now
Siraj - but we hasn't complete till now
Rohit - your problem I am leaving I want all of you at ground within 5 minutes
Kuldeep - vi bhaii
Rohit - no vi bhai
Virat - wait they all will come in 20 minutes
Rohit - okay
He left
Mahi - mard sirf apni pasandida mard ki baat sunta hai " a men only listen to his favorite man "
Others laughed
Virat with shy smile - shut up mahi Bhai
Yuvi - why cheeku he said truth only
Subhman - yes vi bhaiya just like how he only listen to gauti Bhai and mahi only listen to Sonu Bhai
He said other laughed but four people blush
Ishan - wrong move bhaiya and paji , you can't tease subhi's mamma when he is there
Jaddu - yeah he never  let us
Virat - that's my kid ' he laughed '

Time Skip
During practice
Rohit - what happen Harry you look tired
Hardik - yeah can't sleep last night
Dravid - why is everything okay what you did rahul-
Hardik - nah ,it's just i was reading fic-
Rahul - what were you reading
Hardik - nothing let's get back to practice I will go and wash my face
He left
Ishan - strange
Rahul - seems so
Subhman - very much
Rohit hit subhman's head - get back to practice Sherlock's home
Subhman - Virat bhaiya ' whine , going towards virat '
Rohit - hey I was just kidding ' went behind him to stop him '
Dravid - mard sirf apne pasandida mard se darta hai " men is only scared of his favourite man "
He said other laughed while Rohit glared at him



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