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Virat - what
Anushka - I said-
Rohit came back while smiling - see ritiz is here too
Anushka ' soft voice ' - hello ritiz you come here
Ritika - yeah to check on Rohit
Anushka - I came for that too you are such a nice manager
Ritika - thank you ' little blush '
Anushka smile while looking at ritika
Virat while looking at them have annoyed look - clever lady ' he said in mind' flirting with brother's manager and asking me to stay away from brother why will I when now he is my boyf- ' he stop here only '
Rohit - ahem guys if you want to do this then go outside not in my room
Anushka - you come here ' hold Rohit ear ' I just went to the washroom and you started to trouble ritiz huh
Rohit - ouch sorry
Anushka - to ritiz
Rohit - yeah yeah ritiz sorry ouch
Ritika laughed - it's okay
Anushka leaves his ear - ritiz let's go and have breakfast together
Ritika - okay let's go
Virat - umm ritiz wait I have some work with you ' smrik while looking at Anushka , she was glaring at him '
Anushka - what
Virat - with ritiz
Ritika - yes
Anushka - you guys do work and join us later , let's go ro bro ' smrik while holding Rohit's arm '
Rohit - hmm
Virat - it's okay ritiz you go with Anushka , I will take a shower and join with Rohit
Ritika - huh it's okay-
Anushka - let's go
She and ritika left
Rohit laughed - what was that
Virat - your sister just told me to stay away from you ' pout '
Rohit - aww ' kiss his pout ' don't mind her
Virat - tell her I will not stay away from you ' Rohit holds his waist '
Rohit - who is saying you too stay away
Virat - your sister
Rohit - you said to keep it secret , if she will know she will not tell you to stay away
Virat whine - Rohit
Rohit laughed - okay sorry , go and take a shower I am still hungry                                                                  Virat - just a min                                                                                                                                                                     Rohit - okay wifey                                                                                                                                                                    Virat blush - shut up 

IN Rahdik room 

Hardik - please rah just one                                                                                                                                                 Rahul - what harry are you mad                                                                                                                                       Hardik - please rah just one please 

Rahul - have you gone mad do you even know what are you asking for 

Hardik - what ,a kiss ' being dramatic ' just a kiss  is what I am asking form you and you can't even give me that 

Rahul - are you even listening to your own words 

Hardik - what's wrong in them 

Rahul - what's wrong everything , every fucking thing 

Hardik - don't get mad and just give me my kiss and I will go 

Rahul - give me my kiss which fucking KISS 

Hardik - rahhh please 

Rahul - I can't 

Hardik pout - why 

Rahul - we are not together 

Hardik - when does this happen 

Rahul - forever stop fucking reading fiction 

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