Part 48~ returning to the Rainbow kingdom

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Sabre Pov-

 As Light woke up I could tell that he was worried. I was as Well. The other steves were probably confused and maybe even scared. I just hope that they're okay.

 "Good morning Light and Sabre." M said as I jumped slightly, He had just appeared out of nowhere! "Are you ready to head Back to the kingdom to save it?" He asked as I nodded and Light hesitated.

 "Yes." He said as I smiled, Happy that he was ready.

"Levemus equos!" (Let's save the steves!) I exclaimed as Light Sighed and M nodded before Repeating what I said to Light.

 "He said Let's Save the steves." M told him as He smiled.

 "Thanks. I cant ever understand what he says when he gets like this. The words change to much." Light said As M chuckled.

 "That's understandable. Latin is a hard language to learn, I'm surprised that you know Latin Sabre." M said as I felt a bit of panic.

 "I just learned it in school where I'm from." I said as he nodded.

 "Your kind knows Latin?" He asked as I nodded.


 Just then Leader came in as M was about to say something else.

 "The others are ready and waiting at the kingdom, I do not know if The Professor is coming." He said as M nodded.

 "Alright. Can you teleport us Light?" M asked as Light sighed and nodded.

 "Yeah. We need to save the steves." He said as M nodded quickly.

 "Yes. And we need to hope that The Professor didn't do something stupid." M agreed as Light shot him a weird look.

 "Alright, Lets go." He said as he took mine and M's Hands, M took Leader's. As we appeared in the middle of the Rainbow kingdom I gasped in horror, revealing what I felt at what I saw.

 Sol killed A child's father in front of them and Was approaching them in anger as All of the steves looked scared.

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