Lost, and Found Again: or, Toothless's Fate

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Note: I own nothing of Dreamworks NBC Universal, How to Train Your Dragon, or anything else affiliated or associated with it! I'm just a fan who insists upon rewriting their wonderful stories in word form... you know, that you can read in. Consider it fanfiction.

Toothless looked up appraisingly as the great thundering steps marked the beast's arrival. His ears went back. He couldn't believe what was happening. He'd never seen the animal with his own eyes, yet he knew what this was. He couldn't mistake the reverberating shrieks in his ears. He'd only caught a glimpse of it first time on Berserker Island, when the King of Dragons' disrupting waves had made him fail Hiccup for yet another time in his life... was it the fourth? Fifth? Toothless had actually lost track, but the pain it caused him knew no bounds. He knew what was coming the second Drago Bludvist pointed that ugly jagged scepter at him. He couldn't have imagined the horrible thing that would happen next.

He squinted as soon as he met the eyes of that monster. Please, he pled in his mind. Don't make me do this.

He didn't expect it to be quite as bad as it was. A wave of silent thunder hit him with the force of a balloon imploding. He started shaking, snarling, his teeth bared; his skin stretched tight over his face and limbs.

"Toothless?" Hiccup extended his hand towards him, but Toothless could barely hear him; his sight, sound, and smell were fast vanishing under the great impression that the dragon was making in his head, as though a huge silent foot were pressing upon it and squashing all thoughts out of his skull and brain like a watermelon. He scraped his head across the ground, bruising his eye. He howled to the skies.

"What's going on?!" exclaimed Hiccup.

"Witness true strength..." said Drago in his growling voice, as Toothless pressed his lids and his teeth together.

"...in the face of it... you are nothing."

There was little that could send chills through Hiccup Haddock III's blood at this time. 5 years of knowing the very worst of humanity... yet what he came upon this year made him realize what he'd forgotten: that there are people who will do everything that can to obtain peace... and others that will do everything they can to avoid it. For some reason, human nature can be one extreme or the other. It either desires great good or great pain upon others. There is no in between for whether a person is good or bad. Someone can be morally gray, but their intentions will forever be black or white, and that's what determines whether or not they're a good person.

And he'd just realized Drago Bludvist was a bad person. At least if he was doing what he thought he was.

But now he could think about it no longer, for his own dragon was turned against him, he was instinctively backing up, and he hadn't seen this amount of quivering pent-up rage inside him since the early days, perhaps the time that Toothless had swallowed an eel, yet that day, he'd seen a struggle. He'd seen the human in his dragon, him trying so hard not to blast Hiccup. In fact, he hadn't had an actual direction for anything, and that had been the problem. He just couldn't control when and wear he'd blown fire.

But now he was hunting him. He'd never seen him like this, not even on the day Toothless had first met him. His teeth were showing, never disappearing, his wings were slightly raised, and he was stalking, stalking, his body closer to the ground than a gecko or salamander, his eyes completely blank; the green of his eyes was an icy gray, his ears and his receptacles around his face picking up on the great  Bewilderbeast's monotone call... the call that told him to kill... kill.

"Uhhh, what did he just tell you?" Hiccup had said this earlier, but his words fell upon deaf ears.

"Toothless, come on, what's the matter with you?! No, no, no, no what are you doing? Come on, knock it off."

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