Chapter 2: Journey, Start.

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All of a sudden, a loud sound explodes in my eardrums. The grass and trees around me are being torn from the ground. Looking around for the origin of this noise pollution only brought me to face the wreckage of my own house.

Arthur is still in there! Is he okay? What happened?! Were we attacked? By whom? What for?

My father coats himself in mana and dashes into the rubble. As the dust clears, we hear him laugh. Now that my vision is no longer obscured, I can see clearly what caused the explosion. 

Arthur is floating in a sphere of white energy. I can only assume that he's awakened his mana core. Mariah's jaw drops as well. Although she was considered intelligent and wise, even she wouldn't be able to awaken at the age of 2.

A small pebble hits me on the forehead, and my world turns dark.


I awaken to see my sister (forgot to mention, but she's like 12 at this time) staring down at me. Upon seeing my eyes open, she breathes a sigh of relief.

"You're okay! Thank god... I thought you were going to have permanent brain damage! Then we would only have one prodigy in the family!"

My parents chuckle at that.

I seem to be at the dinner table. Did I miss out on a meal?!!!! That would be disastrous!

Arthur is sitting in his toddler stool, eating his peas quietly. Mom and dad turn away and start talking.

"Anyways Alice, as I was saying, I think we should go get Art a mentor. He's two and has already awakened! Staying in this small village will only hinder him."

Art was the nickname my parents had for Arthur. They had ones for Mariah and I too. Mine was Jay, and Mariah's was Mari.

"He's only two, Reynolds! Can't you teach him? Does it have to be this early? Besides, Jayden is two as well, and he hasn't awakened." My mother inquired.

Hearing them talk about Art and I like his made me feel uncomfortable. Something deep within me, something I had never felt before started bubbling.

My father ever so slightly raised his voice, "I'm only at the orange stage! Sooner or later, he's going to catch up! It's better if we go now, Art's just gonna waste away here! He's smart! I know he is! He can manage!"

My sister, knowing either of them wouldn't let down, decided to create a compromise.

"How about, we all go as a family? We can even get your old group, the Twin Horns, to escort us! I know they would do something like that for you two!~"

That's my wise sister for ya!

Everyone agreed. That was the start of an epic journey to come!

Man, why the fuck am I monologuing? And where's my dinner?


We met up with the Twin Horns, and got introduced to each of their members. (Too tired to write about it.)

After travelling for a day, our group stopped for the night at a clearing in the forest. 

Sitting beside the fire, cooking our sausages, Adam asked.

"Hey Reynolds, do you mind if I test the twins?"

"Adam, they're just children." Helen replied.

If I could've interjected, I might've said something along the lines of, 'Hell no! I haven't even awakened yet! What makes you think this is a good idea?!'

Both my father and mother seemed at least a bit hesitant at first, but trusting their old comrade, my father just replied, "Alright, but be careful. Jay hasn't awakened yet so I've only showed him some sword stances."

Adam got up from his makeshift log seat and looked around until he found a short stick he felt satisfied with.

"Come here boys. Let's see what you're made of!"

The smug grin he held pissed me off and I yelled back, "Prepare to get your ass beat then!"

"You know how to reinforce your weapon right?" he asked, while laughing at us.

Reinforce my weapon? With what? Your demented ass forgot I can't use mana?!

Well at least mother was here to heal me if I got hurt, right? Don't get me wrong, I care about Art, but Art is a monster. He can probably handle it. Me on the other hand, can't even use mana! (mentioned for the 5th time I think)

I focused my gaze on Adam. Arthur willed mana into his legs and dashed forward while holding onto me.

The moment Arthur got close, he tossed me at a surprised Adam and he immediately raised his stick to block the incoming attack from the red-haired bastard.

Art successfully blocked the attack, and I swung my stick down on Adamloser. He caught it, and sent me (lightly) flying. 

Fuck that loser.

I laid there for a couple odd minutes. 

I can't do anything! Arthur is the prodigy, I'm just his brother! I'm so useless.

A loud "OW" interrupted my negative spiraling thought process.

Groaning, I sat myself up and rubbed my throbbing head. My mother rushed towards me and immediately mumbled a healing spell around my body.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Durden thumping Adam's head with enough force to make him stumble forward. Heh~

"Jayden honey, are you okay? How do you feel?"

"I'm fine Mom, don't worry."

Adam's voice cuts in, "Haven't taught them to fight my ass! How the hell did you train this little monster?" he groaned, point at Art.


The path was bumpy. Rocks filled the road. Dust was kicked up by the carriage. 

Our journey had lasted 9 days now. We were only two out of Xyrus. Arthur and I were chatting when Helen yelled, "BANDITS! PREPARE TO ENGAGE IN BATTLE!"

In a matter of seconds, the tarp covering the carriage was torn to shreds by rocks and I got a better view of the situation at hand.

We were completely surrounded.


Another short chapter! Honestly, I'm making these short just so I don't have like 20 chapters in this. Not much to say, except that this fandom is dead as hell.

Anyways, onto Chapter 3: Motivation, Reinvigorated.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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