Chapter 10

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Ashley POV

I woke up and took a shower and put my outfit of the day on (Up there😎😎) i went downstairs and grabbed some cereal.After i ate my cereal i called Matt .

Matt-M Ashley-A

A-Hey Matt

M-Heyy Ashley

A-Wanna hang out today too?

M-You can come to Magcon!

A-Don't got a ticket.

M-Meet me in the front.

A-k bye Matty

M-bye A-Dog

I giggled and hung up i told my sister i was leaving and i left i went to the front of Magcon only a few girls were there i went through the front and Matt was there i hugged him "Heyy Matty" i whispered "A-Dog" he whispered i giggled and playfully punched him we hold hands all the way to the stage i watched him make jokes and stuff before all the boys came Matt sat next to me.

"Dance competition" Cameron yelled we all laughed i sat down " You too" Matt said and grabbed my hand i started dancing with Matt in till grind on me came on Cam started doing it i laughed i tried doing it but failed "Wow nice try" Cam said i laughed all rhe girls started rushing in and. I went backstage i gave Matt a peck on the lips.

After the show.

Matt came back stage and brought me on stage "Before you guys leave don't bring hate Ashley Marie Smith will you be my girlfriend" he said i cried a little "Matty yes" i said and hugged him and i kissed him everyone cheered and Nash went back stage Lox played music and we started dancing.

After the mini Parta

"Matty thanks for the best night eva" i said i put my arms around his neck "Thank you for saying yes" he said i pecked him in the lips i kept pecking him till i actually kissed him then i heard "Look slutty ms slutter sin is here" alexis said "Alexis stop" Nash said "Ya Alexis you don't want your baby not to be healthy" i said i smirked at her and hugged Matt "Im such a slut" i whispered he laughed "Nice joke" he said i laughed i kissed him and Alexis and Nash were still there "Bye" i said and grabbed Matt hand and left.

Nash POV

Wow Ashley is a bitch a hot one though she is still the beautiful girl i meant."Alexis why did you do that?" I asked "Shes a slut" she said "No she is not" i yelled "Nash" she mumbled under her breath "i cheated on you with her she is the best i love her we cant be us anymore i shouldn't been smarter bye alexis" i said and lefted i went to Matt room i opened the door and saw Ashley and kissed her she didn't kiss back Matt stopped me and punched me "Nash" Ashley said "Im sorry Ash it was a mistake to lie to you never dump Alex im sorry" i said she cried a bit "Nash dude she is my girlfriend you cant kiss her and sorry" matt said "i love you" i whined she started crying "I love you too but im dating Matt" she said she hugged me and i hugged her back she kissed my temple "Im sorry Nash" she said i cried

To be contiued

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