Deal with the Delinquent

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Hikigaya's Route to Senior High Is Not Normal, As I Expected

"I consider myself Istanbul's storyteller. My subject matter is my town. I consider it my job to explore the hidden patterns of my city's clandestine corners, its shady, mysterious places, the things I love." – Orhan Pamuk


Hachiman's POV


Hachiman looked at Mei-Yu for a bit before he slowly nodded, indicating to Mei-Yu that she could continue with what she wanted to get across.

Mei-Yu looked on, before she looked on, "She just always seems, rather..."

Hachiman raised an eyebrow. "Rather what? She seems fine to me."

Mei-Yu sighed, "She always seems to be in her own mind, like she's detached." She explained, trying to figure out the appropriate words to say.

Hachiman pondered what and why Mei-Yu would think that.

But considering the kind of girl Shiina had told she was, it would make some sense.

Shiina was and had always explained how she was alone throughout her time during school due to her being seen as "weird" by her fellow classmates.

Something Hachiman could relate well to. Something he understood.

So, the fact that Shiina was often seen as rather detached from the outside world around her, it made sense, in Hachiman's opinions.

When someone was alone, it made sense why one may detach themselves from those around them, as it was a coping mechanism for chronic loneliness, in Hachiman's opinion.

Hachiman however was unsure if he should tell Mei-Yu about Shiina considering they've only known each other for around two days.

Therefore, Hachiman had to think of a way to not really tell Shiina's own circumstances to Mei-Yu.

Hachiman eventually spoke in a way to ensure Mei-Yu wasn't being isolated from befriending her. "It's nothing serious. She does it to me as well."

Mei-Yu however didn't think this was the case, "But she always snaps back and focuses whenever you are around."

That surprised Hachiman, "She does?"

Mei-Yu nodded, "Yes. It's always like she's quiet and still, like a statue. But when she's with you, she seems a lot more alive and authentic."

Hachiman raised an eyebrow, clearly unsure what to think about that, "I guess it's because we speak a lot on books. That's all."

Mei-Yu remained confused, "But she doesn't seem to always want to speak to me..."

Hachiman sighed, "Again, it's nothing serious. If you just be open and speak to her consistently, she'll come out of her shell. That's what I had to do."

That seemed to get Mei-Yu a bit more understanding regarding it likely would take time for Shiina to get more comfortable around others.

"Is she a loner type? Like alone and shy?" Mei-Yu asked curiously.

Hachiman shrugged, "More than likely not shy. Just detached as you said. You just must befriend and enjoy what she enjoys befriending her." Hachiman explained.

In a sense, that was likely that you had to do to befriend anyone. Simply put, friends got together over mutual interests.

Throughout it all, Mei-Yu looked a bit conflicted, and thus Hachiman decided to ask Mei-Yu something.

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