Lan Zhan, Please Come With Me?

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After what happen with Wei Ying, Lan Zhan know that Wei Ying can't be alone right now. He know that Jin Guangshan and the other will go after Wei Ying since he is holding a strong tool in his hand.

Lan Zhan decide to leave the banquet to look for Wei Ying. He doesn't want to stay there listen to what those sect leader say about Wei Ying. 'Wei Ying, please don't do anything rash, I don't know how I will be able to help you if you do something without thinking.'

On his way to the Qiongqi path, he hear a big scream coming from the mountain. Then he see all of the Jin clan and other disciple coming running in his direction. He stop on of the Jin disciple, "what happen?"

That Jin disciple tell Lan Zhan that someone has come to rescue the remnant Wen clan and that someone resurrected a dead body to come back to live and killing people. 'Come back to live? Wei Ying!'

When Lan Zhan arrive at the qiongqi path he hear horse coming in his direction. He waited, waited, waited and waited until he see Wei Ying arrive in front of him with the Wen remnant behind him.

(Let's use this scene in the untamed episode 26 to episode 27. Not mine, I am only using it for my story since it goes with my title. If you don't like it, then don't read it.)

Lan Zhan raised his umbrella up so that he can look at Wei Ying. There is no word, the two only looked at each other for as long as they can since this is the last time they will see one another.

Then an minute or so later Wei Ying speak first, "Lan zhan, you come to stop me?"

"Wei Ying, where are you going?" Lan Zhan asked.

"I don't know. The world is boundless, there's more then one place for us to go."

"You need to think carefully. If you leave now, then you're truly abandoning the classic teaching and rebelling against orthodoxy. You can never turn back."

"Abandoning the classic teaching? Rebelling against orthodoxy? Let me ask you this Lan Zhan. Abandoning which classic teaching? Rebelling against whose orthodoxy?" Tear start to run down Wei Ying face.

"Lan Zhan, do you still remember the promise we made together back then?"


"I hope that I, Wei Wuxian, can live a life fighting evil and helping the weak. And have a clear conscience."

End flashback

"I wished for being able to fight evil and help the weak. But now you are telling me, who's black, who's white and Who's wrong, who's right?"

"Wei Ying!"

"Is this the promise that we promised each other even in death?" Lan Zhan couldn't say anything else, he know that Wei Ying is right. They promise to fight evil and help the Weak. He tighten his hand on the umbrella and on his sword. Lan Zhan eye glanced down to the ground since he can't look at Wei Ying hurting eye anymore.

"I regret not being able to save the Wen remnant from the Jin clan using them as life bait during the Phoenix hunt. I should have stop them, then Wen Ning wouldn't end up getting kill by them. I already missed an opportunity to save him. This time, I will not leave Wen Qing and her family behind. I will save them."

Wei Ying can tell that Lan Zhan felt the same way, since Lan Zhan is from a sect he can't do anything to help the Wen clan. "Lan Zhan, there is only one thing I want to ask you?" Lan Zhan wait patiently to hear what Wei Ying has to ask him.

"Now that I am the enemy of the cultivation world they will all go after me. Jiang Cheng is too proud to stand up for me. He only think about himself and his clan. He can't even step in to talk back to Jin Guangshan. What about you, Lan Zhan? Are you going to betray me as well? Are you going to side with them as well? Do you remember asking me "who am I to you"?"

Lan Zhan nodded his head.


"Lan Wangji Lan Wangji, who am I to you? Can't you leave me alone?"

"Who am I to you?"

"I used to see you as my soulmate."

"I still am."

End flashback

"I still see you as my soulmate Lan Zhan."

"Wei Ying?"

"Lan Zhan, please come with me? Jiang Cheng doesn't believe in me anymore. Your the only one I can trust. The only one I want to believe in me. I know that asking you to come with me and leave your clan behind is too much for you. Won't you stay by my side? I need you Lan Zhan."

Lan Zhan walk up to stand next to Wei Ying horse, "no is not too much, your right, we did make a promise to fight evil and help the weak. I shouldn't go back on my word." Lan Zhan jump up and seat behind Wei Ying.

"If no one believe in you, you still have me. I will always believe in you, I will always stand by your side. Clan or no clan, I won't go anywhere without you." Hearing this make Wei Ying feel very happy inside.

"Wei Ying, where are we going?" Lan Zhan asked. "I know a place. I hope you don't mind living in a place that aren't full of richness." Wei Ying teased Lan Zhan.

"I don't mind, as long as Wei Ying is there, I don't care if I live in a rich place or not." They all begin to head toward the place that Wei Ying will protect them.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the burial mound, "the burial mound? Why here?" Lan Zhan asked while they walk into the burial mound. "There is something I want to tell you. Remember you ask me, why don't I carry my sword?"

"Is there a reason behind it?"

"If I tell you, are you going to judge me or see me differently?"

"Wei Ying, I won't see you any different or judge you." Wei Ying want so bad to hug Lan Zhan but he can't since the Wen clan is behind him. 'You can hug him later Wei Ying. Just be happy that Lan Zhan is with you.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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