Holy Shit! It Was Him?!

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Nicolle, on her stomach, squirms away from the jeep. She brings herself up to her hands and knees, looking behind her to see nothing THE GHOST HAS DISAPPEARED. Nicolle's eyes roam the yard but he's nowhere. Completely gone. Vanished. Nicolle crawls to the front porch where DEWEY'S BODY LAY Thinking quickly, precisely, she reaches to Dewey's holster and grabs his gun when a VOICE ECHO'S behind her.

RANDY (o.s.): Nico!

She turns to see Randy racing to her, limping. He appears stone cold sober.

RANDY: Jesus, Nico. We gotta get out of here.

Nicolle throws the gun forward.

NICOLLE: Stop. Right there.

Dewey nodded and high-fived Nicolle, "Good job Colle. Even if it was just Randy." He ignored the offended look Randy was sending him.

RANDY: Don't shoot. It's me.

NICOLLE: Don't come any closer.

RANDY: Listen to me, Nico. I found Tatum. She's dead, she's been killed...I think Stu did it.

He takes a step forward when another VOICE SPEAKS UP.

STU (o.c.): Don't believe him, Nicki.

Nicolle spins around to see Stu moving up the walk.

STU: He's lying. He killed Tatum. And Billy.

Stu moves closer to Nicolle.

NICOLLE: Stay away.

She aims the gun in his direction.

Bellatrix nods and Reguls shouts, "Shoot him." Nicolle snorts and sends them a wink over her shoulder.

STU: His movie nut mind has snapped, Nicki. He's gone psycho.

RANDY: Don't listen to him. It's him. He's the one.

Nicolle has lost it, she doesn't know who to trust. She aims the gun at Stu..then Randy..then Stu...

STU: Come on, Nicki. Give me the gun.

RANDY: No, Nico.

They both move toward her. There's no time. She must act now. Finally...

NICOLLE: Fuck you both.

Nicolle winces, "Sorry Rands." Randy shook his head, "Nope, that ever happens again do the exact same thing."

And with that, Nicolle steps back into the house and SLAMS the front door shut. Nicolle locks and bolts the door. From the other side she can hear Randy SCREAMING.


His fists POUND against the door. Nicolle, stumbling in the darkness, rushes to the phone in the living room. Just as she reaches for it...it RINGS. It scares the life out of her. She SCREAMS, yanking it up.

NICOLLE: Please! God! Help me!

VOICE (from the phone): Having fun Nicolle?

Nicolle's face scrunches in anger.


She throws the phone down, disconnecting the call. Nicolle moves back to the door. RANDY'S SCREAMS ARE MADDENING. She eyes the lock, deliberating.

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