Edward X Reader - Fireworks

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It's the 4th of July and as an American I have to do something to honor the holiday other than sitting in my room and watching my family party from the window like a creep.

Also Edward's hot, so I thought I'd write this.

Enjoy!! (please)


It was the fourth of July, and as anyone did, you were going to watch the fireworks with some loved ones, but your family wasn't really the best crowd to be around at the moment, so your friends, Zip, Oliver and Edward, arranged a time to watch the fireworks together. Just the four of you.

You were getting ready for the show, you had chairs set up in your backyard and a fire set; it was a tradition in your family to have a bonfire every fourth, and even though you weren't really a fan of your family, you really liked the familiar feeling of fire crackling in front of you as fireworks set off.

"Get the graham crackers, damn idiot!"

Zip yelled out from the other room, you were in kind of a rush and so you forgot to grab graham crackers for s'mores, but you grabbed them really quickly and headed outside, and the only free seat was next to well, Edward. But you weren't complaining, he was your best friend of the bunch anyway... But nobody but you knew how you really felt for him.

"About time,"

Oliver snickered, already roasting a marshmallow over the fire. You scoffed.

"Tsk, I didn't know it was starting so soo-"

You were cut off by the sound of loud fireworks, as Zip pointed to a specific point in the sky. Instinctively, you turned your head, to be met with beautiful fireworks being set off in the black night sky.

You felt something touch your shoulder, then, as you turned your head you met Edward's sleepy gaze, head resting on your shoulder. You smiled, hugging him closer.

"If you're that in love then say something!"

Oliver teased, then Edward smirked.

"Okay then. Y/N, I love you."

Everybody looked shocked, but you were surprised in a different way. You were surprised that Edward loved you... And well, had the balls to mention it.

"Well, I..."

You were so incredibly flustered you couldn't say a thing.

"Holy shit?!"

Zip exclaimed, more surprised than you, in your eyes. If only you could see your face...

"I love you too..."

You could barely look him in the eye, your mind was racing with questions... All those questions were answered, though, with a kiss.

And Zip and Oliver were cheering you on.

You didn't care about the fireworks in the sky now... You only cared about the fireworks in your heart.

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