CHAPTER 1 - 'Crystallized'

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POV: 3D person?
Wallter wakes up abit later, he held onto his head because of a throbbing pain in his head, he removes his hand from his head and notices some blood and was surprised.

He looks around and notices many others and people he didn't know, he noticed 4 different other mannequins, one with a purple hardhat like mark which wallter knew was jimmy, marks best friend, the other one also have a hardhat but blue which he didn't know at all, the third one was different, it had red boots as legs and the last one was a plain mannequin, wallter could not see its face sense their face was lieing strange down.

Wallter looked around before noticing lampert slammed into a wall at the far right, wallter walks over quickly, he lifted up lamapert then noticed have tense and stiff lampert felt, wallter looks looks at him then noticed something and looked back at the others, everyone seem to have gotten an different design but similar to their old one like mark had metal legs and hair now, he looked at himself as well,

he was gotten glasses and hair as well[this is a au so i can do this:3], he remembered the task on hand and dragged lampert over to the other wall nearer to the elevators, after abit wallter was able to line up everyone in a line against the wall which was definitely hard for him but he managed,

After a few minutes everyone woke up except lampert sense he was out cold, Dr. Retro did check if lampert was alive which he indeed was alive so no body worried but they needed to find something to stop wallters and lamperts bleeding,

Dr. Retro was making groups and just decided to make a mini item search and found some stuff, 5 medkits, weapons, food and 2 hazmats, Dr. Retro bandaged wallters head and bandaged lamperts knee and putted a bandaid on a scar underneath lamperts eyes.

Dr. Retro and gnarpy were talking together to make groups to search the place they were in sense the place was completely new to them, half of group was asking "what the heck are we wearing?",
Which they were wearing a kinda of t-shirt with a rectangular logo with a smaller rectangle cut out of it with shorts, lampert was slowly waking up which mark patted him on the back, wallter leaned against the wall next to them, starburst kept running around the place, fully energised, the kid kept running into people earning her angry replies or calm ones or worried ones, she sometimes check on lampert herself but straight away went back to what she was doing.

Gnarpy and Dr. Retro spilted people into different levels of groups, the strong members who were the ones who had to protect the weaker ones, the average members who would help sometimes to protect the weakest ones but would get stuff from shelfs ect and the weakest members who had to stay at the elevator which lampert was in that group but just for now untill he healed fully.

Mark and wallter were settled into a group to search for food and they exited the room, lampert looked at the hazmats, he had a suspension and he slowly picked one of them up and flipped the suit inside out and his suspicious was right, there was something wrong with the suits, at the edges of the arms of the hazmat was mini cubes that were a red kind of colour, he stared at it for a second before puting on the gloves from the medkit Dr. Retro used on him and wallter, he picked up one of the weapons they found which was a knife and jabbed it into the cube, the cube spilled out a liquid that was the same colour of the cube, lampert stepped back surprised as he watched a small goo creature crawl out of the cube,
Gnarpy looked over to lampert and looked to where lampert was looking and then became more interested, gnarpy stepped forwards to it and picked it up with one of his paws, Dr. Retro watched from the background.

Wallter and mark walked beside each other not bothering to talk to each other untill something caught their, a kind of cave with blue crystals, mark stepped forwards and said to wallter they should explore it, wallter looked at mark and nodded mark turned away from wallter and walked towards the entrance of the cave, wallter stared sadly at mark, the way mark said they should explore the cave reminded him about when they were abit younger and how they loved to explore places together, they both entered the cave, the blue light slightly blinding them, wallter walked over to the shelfs and picked up somethings that were on it, more hazmats and bat's, wallter hadn't noticed mark went down the ramp to the lower part of the cave untill he heard a yelp echo in the cave, wallter turned to other crystals looking confused then saw a blue beam moving around, he could hear someone running towards the ramp and stared at it, he saw mark scrambling up the ramp slightly injured and with some small blue crystals on his legs,
Wallter was surprised and ran to help mark.

Gnarpy looked at the goo creature, "interesting.." the green alien cat meowed as they took an example from the mini goo earning them a sqeaky yelp from the goo creature[idk their prounces so your geting they/them..]
Ok so I need to continue this onto a part 2 so ye sorry:'
WORDS: 945

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