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February 20th The Watchtower

Jon had been unconscious for a week and was finally beginning to stir from his stupor. As he opened his eyes he was blinded by the bright luminescent white light above his bed, his vision was blurred but he blinked a few times and it cleared up. He looked around the room and saw his parents sitting asleep in armchairs.

"Mom? Dad?" Jon exclaimed groggily

"Jon!" Clark exclaimed happily

"Jonathan, thank the gods you are okay" Lois said hugging him and kissing his forehead

"Yeah I'm okay why wouldn't I be" Jon smiled

"Son you've been out for a week" Clark stated

"A week! Where's Damian is he okay is the baby?" Jon exclaimed sitting up too fast

"Take it easy" Clark exclaimed rushing to his side

"Answer me" Jon spat

"Damian was moved to an actual hospital a few days ago, and about the baby..." Lois began

"What about the baby? Mom what happened?" Jon exclaimed tears forming in his eyes

"You're not having a baby son" Clark said with a hand on Jon's shoulder

"You're having two, Damian is pregnant with twins" Lois beamed

"Twins?! I need to see Damian" Jon exclaimed

"Now take it easy, as soon as you are good to get out of bed you can. You absorbed way too much radiation and get still had so much energy drained" Clark stated

"Well let Bruce know and get you something to eat" Lois followed standing up and leaving with Clark

Jon waited till they were gone before stumbling out of bed, he took a few steps and fell to the floor before picking himself up and using the wall as a support. He made his way to the hangar and into direct sunlight shining through the forcefield, he felt his powers returning as he picked himself up and flew back down to Metropolis and to his parents house and entered his old room through an open window.

"You're supposed to be on bed rest" Lara exclaimed

"I need to see Damian" Jon stated not looking at her

"You need rest" Lara said speeding towards him knocking him onto his bed

"You did not just" Jon exclaimed

He flew at Lara but she could move quicker and dodged grabbing him by the ruff of his neck and slamming him into his dresser.

"You are weak and in no way fit to be out and about" Lara exclaimed

"Get off" Jon spat pushing her sending her flying

"Jon stop this now, you're an alpha whose omega is currently unconscious so I'm guessing that the only reason I haven't broken any bones yet. But man if you keep going I'm going to whoop your ass" Lara joked

"I can take you" Jon stated

"No you can't why are you here and not your own house?" Lara asked

Forbidden Love ~ A Damijon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now