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February 13th 2023 Metropolis

It had been a few months but Damian and Jon had finally moved into their own place, and Damian's bump was beginning to show much to his own dismay. They were still setting the place up but the living room was pretty much done and due to it being late in the evening the two were snuggled up on couch with a thick cozy blanket draped over them. Damian lay with his head rested on Jon's shoulder as they got further into the pregnancy Damian was becoming irritable, more than normal due to cramps and pain.

"You okay?" Jon asked

"I'm fine quit asking" Damian asked adjusting himself to be comfortable

"Will this help" Jon question placing a pillow behind his back

"Yes" Damian mumbled barely audible

"You're welcome" Jon smirked

"Shut up" Damian stated

The lights of the tv flickered as the movie continued to play, Damian's grip on Jon tightened ever so slightly. Jon watched as Damian began to drift off to sleep, that was until the movie was interrupted by a special news alert.

"This is Bethany Snow of Channel 52 reporting live from downtown Metropolis. The city is under attack from an old enemy of Superman's who we presumed dead, Authorities have identified our attacker as Doomsday. Superman if you are watching this we need you" Bethany presented before the channel went dead

"He's supposed to be dead" Damian exclaimed shooting up

"That's impossible" Jon stated eyes wide

Jon's body tensed looking at the screen showing over head footage of the city being torn apart as Doomsday ravaged the streets.

"Don't you dare" Damian warned feeling Jon tense up

"Dami I have too" Jon stated

"Let Clark, Kon, Lara or even Kara deal with it. This is not your fight" Damian exclaimed

"But it is my fight, as Superman it's my duty" Jon stated

"Your duty is to me and this baby" Damian spat

"Damian I need to, I have to protect this city" Jon replied

"I know, just come back to me or I will make your life hell" Damian glared

"Love you too" Jon said running off

"Not as much as I love you beloved" Damian mumbled under his breath

Doomsday rampaged through the streets of Metropolis, Jon currently hovered above the city his cape flowing in the wind as he watched fire and smoke bellow from the city below. Jon flew straight down breaking the sound barrier shattering glass on buildings and cars alike as he passed them punching Doomsday in the back which seemed to do nothing.

"Hey ugly, pick on someone your own size" Jon spat

The creature turned around hit punching Jon sending him flying backwards into the side of a building. He looked up as the monstrous figure ran at him, Doomsday looked different, he looked bigger and mutated. Doomsday went to slam Jon further into the building, but he went to fly and dodged but his cape was grabbed and he was swung around like a rag-doll before being swung around and sent flying into the air.

"What's different about you" Jon puzzled catching himself in the air

He watched and was caught off guard when the creature began flying towards him

"That's new" Jon smiled

He fired up his heat vision blasting Doomsday but the more he did it the bigger Doomsday got, that when he realised what had happened. Doomsday's body and DNA had been mixed with Parasite's. Doomsday hit Jon with a devastating blow sending him crashing into the ground where he then landed on top of Jon and picked him up by the neck, Jon felt his energy being drained from his body as Doomsday's eyes flew a bright purple. Then all of a sudden Jon hit the ground as Doomsday went flying. Jon couldn't see properly his vision blurred and he couldn't pick himself up.

"Easy now, regain your strength I'll keep this guy in line take this" a figure said handing Jon something round

"Who are you?" Jon asked collapsing again

"Hey ugly it's time you had a real challenge" the figure taunted the next thing Jon knew a car had coming flying past the figure landing in front of him

Jon composed himself and regained his proper vision, still feeling weak. He looked up at the car and came to a stark realisation.

"The Batmobile?....Damian?!" Jon exclaimed turning his head

He saw his pregnant Omega throwing smoke pellets, batarangs and an assortment of explosives as he jumped around the beast not as agile as usual. Jon looked at the device Damian had given him, it was a yellow sun grenade.

"JONATHAN" Damian yelled

Jon looked up and saw Damian kicking his legs as Doomsday lifted him by the throat, Jon felt his alpha instincts kicking in. He set off the yellow sun grenade and felt a surge of energy flow through his body. His heat vision blasted from his eyes and was so hot and powerful it sawed Doomsday's arm off dropping Damian to the ground.

"My turn asshole" Jon spat his eyes glowing

Jon flew at Doomsday and almost punched a whole through his chest. He grabbed him and began flying up leaving the Earth's atmosphere and flew directly towards the sun, he absorbed more yellow sun radiation but so did Doomsday.

"You like absorbing energy, well absorb this" Jon spat throwing the beast directly into the sun using his heat vision to blast him one last time

As he watched the fiery inferno engulf Doomsday his mind immediately went back to Damian and he never flew so fast in his life. Damian lay lifeless on the pavement, his heartbeat faint.

"Damian open your eyes, for gods sake open your damn eyes. You cannot leave me, please say something...hit me do anything" Jon cried hugging his lifeless body

"Jon?" Clark asked arriving on the scene

"Where the hell were you!?" Jon shouted

"I was in Indonesia cooling a volcanic eruption, your Mother just called, I got here as fast..." Clark responded

"Well you weren't fast enough we need to help Damian" Jon said picking him up bridal style

"Jon are you okay?" Clark asked

"Don't worry about me, worry about..." Jon began before collapsing, Clark catching the two in both arms

"Watchtower, prepare the med-bay" Clark said into his comms

He readjusted the two young men in his arms and walked through a boom tube and lay them on beds in the medical wing his attention turned from his own son to Damian, he used his x-ray vision to examine Damian's heart. It was beating slowly which worried him very much, they needed to get him checked out as soon as possible.

Forbidden Love ~ A Damijon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now