Gem and Fhwip's Weekend

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(Im in love with this idea, btw Gem is a huge Crane wives fan. Dont mind the spelling. Im half asleep rn- btw, Trans Fhwip:))

Gem's pov:
Id get up from my bed. Id notice Fhwip on his phone. Id get a text from Pearl. Id smile.


Pearl: GEMM- Wanna hang out? Grian is gonna be with Scar. Im bored.

Gem: Sorry. I cant, Me and Fhwip are having our weekend-thingy when we hang. Ill text you later<3

Id turn off my phone. And looked though my closet "Io. Fhwip. We need to get ready." id grab a pair of shorts, a black thin flannel, and a gray shirt with gems on it. Id walk to the bathroom, and changed. Id do my makeup, and my hair.


Fhwip's pov:
Id stretch. And turned off my phone. Id change into  jean shorts, and a black shirt. Id put on a few rings. Id nock on the bathroom door. And heard Gem say "Come in." id walk in. And began to brush my hair. "Hey. Gem, should I shave?" "Uh-If you want? Im not the person to ask, how about Sausage?" She had a smirk on her face. "oh shut it." id open my drawer, and began to shave my face. And Gem somehow got onto the washing machine, and put her headphones on. In a little. I was done. "Gem you ready?" id ask. And helped her down. Id walk out of the house. To the park. Id see Joel, Lizzie, Scott, and Jimmy. Id wave and so did Gem "HEY SALMON-BOY." Jimmy called "Oh shush cod-boy." Id sit down, and Gem leaned on a tree.


Gem's pov:
Id sigh, and opened my phone. And Scott looked at me "Awe someone miss her Girlfriend?" "Nahh. Im just stuck with you idiots." id breathe in. And noticed Fhwip's loss of breath.


Fhwip's pov:
Id breathe in. And choughed. Id remember 'Well. Shit. I haven't taken off my binder.' id see Gem staring "How long." "1-3 day." id respond. "FHWIP JACKSON. TAKE OFF THE FUCKING BINDER." id whince as Gem yelled. Id notice her opening her bag "C'mon. Your Lucky i always have your binding tape, or a sports bra your size." id walk into the restroom. And removed my binder.


Gem's pov:
Id wait for Fwhip. "Y'know. Ill help you get top surgery when your older." "yeah. But im way to young." Fhwip walked out. And handed me the binder, id put it in my bag. "Ready?" "Yep." as we walked out. Fhwip and I went to the group, Fhwip spoke "Me and Gem need to go. Cya." id walk back home, and Fhwip followed. Id sit in my bed, and looked at Fhwip "What? Sad you didn't see Sausage?" "N-Kinda. But there's a pride parade happening next week. should we get flags for everyone and go?" "YES-" "Ok. We'll shop tomorrow."

(Yes. Gem and Fhwip Jackson is now my hc for their last name)

Wc: 504


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