Character Profile #5: VIOLET

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💜 Name: Violet Chen

Nickname: Vi, Vi-Vi, Viola, Chenie (or just Chen), Lily

Gender: Female

Age: 15 (Wow! Same as Paulina's, what a coincidence! :3)

Birthday: 8/14

Height: 159 cm (5'2")

Weight: 47kg

Nationality: Chinese

Family Members: Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa

Personality: Intellectual, observant, shy and sensitive, she has a love to study and is deep with reading just like Geronimo. She also has severe stage fright including heights, hates being the center of attention and is easily sensitive from teasing and can be a perfectionist at times. If she doesn't get enough sleep, she becomes a real-grouch. Softie: Kind, wise and tender towards Paulina as well and is called a Second Big Sister figure.

Good at: Playing the violin, piano, ballet, video games, art, reading, studying, writing, and cooking.

Bad at: Talking to other people, sports, baking, and technology

Hobbies: Listening to classical music, exercising, dancing (including ballet), reading, drinking tea, sleeping and composing music

Favorite food: Brown Rice, tofu, shrimp tempura, crab rangoon with duck sauce, buddha noodles, fried ice cream, chocolate cake and everything else aside from Chinese cuisines.

Dream: Becoming a Violinist

Other: She has a pet cricket named 'Frilly'. She also can be really skilled with Chess and checkers.

 She also can be really skilled with Chess and checkers

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