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"I didn't say anything, I swear!" Thea cried as she withered in pain. Jolts of electricity coursed through her body as she gripped the armrest of the chair she was strapped to. The only thing that filled the empty room was her screaming.

She could be lying. The cops might have followed her, she heard Chisaki's thoughts.

"No one followed me! I slipped out before they knew I was gone." She screamed when the pain intensified. "I made sure no one followed me!"

Please, make it stop! she heard Eri's cries. Even alone in the room, she could already picture Eri watching in fear as Chisaki stood behind her.

Thea felt like she could finally breathe again when the pain stopped and Chrono came in. If she wasn't panting heavily then she would have been relieved that it was Chrono and not Chisaki. Not like he would have come in the room to take her restraints off anyway without breaking out in hives.

Chrono rubbed the top of Thea's head as he used his other hand to undo her restraints. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she fell forward and collapsed in his arms. Chrono gently picked her up and walked out of the room. Eri ran over and grabbed her hand.

"She's going to be ok, right?" she cried. Eri would ask the same question every time Thea gets tortured, afraid that she would close her eyes and never wake up.

The voices never stopped even when Thea's passed out. She could still hear every thought coming through even in her dreams. It was an endless nightmare. Luckily, she didn't have that problem due to the drug Chisaki gave her so she wouldn't use her Quirk for the time being.


The memory was very vivid, but Thea could make out that she was at the playground. Kids were laughing while climbing the jungle gym or playing tag as the parents stayed not that far from them, talking amongst the others.

A little girl around the age of 5 was swinging beside a boy around the same age as her. They don't share a lot of the same features like one having a lighter purple hair color than the other. One of the downsides of being a fraternal twin. The girl was giggling as she and the boy competed to see who could jump the longest. The boy swung high before jumping off at the swing, landing perfectly six feet away from them. Following the boy's lead, the girl jumped off and landed only a few inches behind him.

"I win! I win!" the boy chanted.

"That's not fair. You cheated!" The little girl cried.

"Oh, quit being a big baby."

Suddenly, voices echoed inside the little girl's head. It all came swarming in at once. The girl fell to her knees and clutched her head, a loud ear shrieking scream filling their ears. The voices started to appear around three months ago, around the time she activated her Quirk. It was only the thoughts of her family that she could hear but it disappeared a few minutes later. Being at the park, surrounded by hundreds of people, the voices were loud and it kept getting loud as if she were standing right next to a speaker.

The boy looked at her sister in worry once he saw blood dripping out of her ears. "Rin!" he shouted. He ran by her side and grabbed her shoulders.

"It hurts! It hurts!" Rin screamed.

"Stay here. I'm going to get, Mom!" the boy said before running off.

Rin kept screaming in pain as she fell to her side. Her eyes shut very tightly as her voice went hoarsed. She heard footsteps coming from behind not long after. A slight sting erupt near her neck. The pain didn't stop but Rin felt like her body was going numb as a pair of arms scooped her up. Her eyes became heavier to the point she wanted to pass out.

"It's very unwise to leave a child alone in the park," she heard. Rin heavy eyelids opened slightly. Everything was fuzzy but she could see arms that were cradled around her along with the man walking beside them. He wore a black button down shirt and dark slacks alone with a pair of white gloves. She couldn't see him due to the black surgical mask covering his face.

The two men quickly hid themself in the dark alley. "Taking her is the easy part," the man with the face mask said. He glanced at the girl to see her finally passing out. "Getting her past Pops is going to be the difficult part."

Flashback Over

Thea's eyes quickly snapped open as she gasped for air. She shot up from her bed and coughed violently into her hand. Two small arms came up to wrap around her sides.

"I'm so happy you're ok!" Eri cried.

Thea's wrapped one arm around Eri while one of her hands went toward her head. It was just a dream, she thought. Why did it feel so real though?

"How long was I out?" Thea wondered.

"Three weeks."

Eyes went wide as Thea looked at her. "Eri, let me see your arms." Whenever she was out, Eri's 'treatment' would always worsen. It was Chisaki's way of torturing Thea.

Eri shook her head. "It doesn't hurt that -"

Thea grabbed her wrist before unravelling the gauzes around her arm. Her breathing hitched when she saw more cuts along Eri's forearms. Two of them were almost healed but there was two more gashes near. Thea clenched her jaw, rage bubbled inside her chest as the room began shaking.

"I'll kill that bastard," she sneered.

Eri climbed on the bed and hugged her. "No, you can't go after him. I don't want him to hurt you again like the last time," she cried.

It was a night Eri wanted to forget. Chisaki cut part of Eri's leg, her cries was what made Thea snap. She tried to attack Chisaki but a tranquilizer dart stopped her before she could destroy the hideout. When she woke, Eri was strapped in front of her. Chisaki forced Eri to watch as he kept blowing up parts of Thea's body and then regenerated them back to normal before doing it again. It started with a hand, then an arm, and then her legs. When he finished torturing them, he threatened to so much worse if Thea ever attacked him again.

Thea grit her teeth as she held on to Eri. "Eri, I swear I'm gonna get you out of here."

I don't care if I need to die, she vowed. I'll sacrifice myself over and over again to make sure she's safe.

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