Chapter One

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"Ew, Fallenkit, you splashed me!" Fatekit looked up at Fallenkit with a pout, his blue eyes wide with mock indignation. His mew was filled with disgust and displeasure. Lifting his muzzle and turning away, the orange and ginger he rapidly shook his fur out. Fallenkit leapt back with a mrrow to avoid the bits of sticky mud flying all directions. 

He purred, "It's not my fault you leapt in front of me during my practice ponce! If you had stayed behind me like I'd said, you wouldn't be as brown as Finshadow right now!" As he spoke, Fallenkit shook his paw in the air, to rid of the disgusting, mucky mud caught in-between his claws. Ugh! This stuff is nasty- I'd hate to have it all in my fur, like Fatekit! 

Fatekit blinked, "A true warrior is always prepared! What if you were a brave warrior, hunting, and suddenly a fox leapt in front of you? You wouldn't want to splash it with mud then!" He purred, flicking his tail. Fallenkit laughed.

"A fox wouldn't dare cross my path," the ginger and white he puffed out his chest, his tail raising and his eyes gleaming with pride. Swiping his large paw in the air, Fallenkit boasted, "I'll be the greatest warrior ever, that even badgers will tremble in my path!" He lifted his muzzle- he could imagine it- him, as a warrior, facing an angry, snarling badger. Tearing his claws through its fur, tearing its teeth out of its skull as a trophy! He'd return home with his prize, his clanmates cheering him on, calling him a hero...

A hero. That's all Fallenkit wanted to be. A hero, respected and loved by his clanmates- trusted by his clanmates. Ever since he'd started receiving cold, dirty looks from his clanmates, Fallenkit had set his life on one thing- proving himself to the clan, and earning looks of pride, honor and care. I don't get why they don't love me. Fallenkit thought. I've done nothing wrong, yet everycat acts as if I led foxes into camp...

A muzzle pressed against his ear with a purr, jolting him out of his thoughts. A purr rumbled in her throat as the molly spoke, her mew soft.

"Little warrior, you'll need to learn to keep mud off your clanmates before you go attacking badgers!" Dewstream purred softly, her breath against his fluffy ear. She purred softly and pulled Fallenkit towards herself, forcing him to sit and running her tongue over his head.

Fallenkit pulled himself away, scrunching up his face with disgust. "Yuck!" He mewed, shaking his fur out. Now his headfur was all flat! Using his paw, he quickly scratched his fur back up to the way it had been before. "Mommmm, you know I like my fur this way!" He complained sourly, pouting. Dewstream sighed, shaking her head.

"My little warrior," she blinked at him, "no cat will take you seriously if your fur is all wild," Fallenkit peered into her eyes, seeing care and amusement glittering in them. But hidden in the depths of her gaze was concern- she was worried for Fallenkit! The ginger and white he tipped his head, confused. 

"But Mousetail always has his fur sticking up, and every cat treats him just right! Foxdung, he's even praised for his hunting skills," Fallenkit pouted. "I'm five moons, mom- you don't need to treat me like a kit anymore!" 

Dewstream looked hurt for a moment, and sighed. "Fallenkit, I know you're nearly an apprentice, but you'll always be my kit," she used her paw to pull him a bit closer. Fallenkit peered into her eyes- and saw depths of pain, and resentment. His heart lurched- was his mother mad at him? Her next words proved him wrong. "Plus, you know you have to do extra to make the clan treat you like any other clanmate- ever since your father," anger crept into her tone, "announced to the whole clan that you..." she trailed off.

Fallenkit stared down at his paws- Briarwood, Dewkits mother, had told him the story plenty of times. A moon after Fallenkit and Fatekit had been born- and had received their names, Fallenkits father, Finshadow, had made an announcement- one regarding a prophecy that included both Fallenkit and Fatekit.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08 ⏰

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