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A guy on the internet, or AGOTI a used to be well known vocal singer, well, key word: 'used' after his whole year hiatus, or disappearance, his fame was non-existent now, it was only year('s') yet he was forgotten that fast? tch, Trends die fast, he hated those who had caused this, those stupid purple fuckin' demons, his life was a bit confusing now, having a brother he didn't know about, fucking Aldryx.. HE WAS SO COOL!! when he first met the red Digidevil, he fucking clinged to him like glue, but the older brother didn't mind anything just happy to spend some time with his baby brother who disappeared for a whole year.

And.. that Fucking Void Queen? god, why was she so fucking tall? and why was SHE IN THEIR HOUSE??? Solazar and he himself hated that fucking woman slenderman, like holy shit, she 10FT??? but god, she was a bitch, Solazar and Agoti knew she was using them for her own benefit, but why was she still here? no. wrong question, WHY is she here?

AGOTI just stared confused, his room looked like shit, just like he wanted, he then sat down on his old chair with a pc, he hesitantly opened the thing, god, that was such an ugly wallpaper, now he was free from his prison, but, what can he do now? he didn't have a concert yet, as he searched up his name on the browser, hm, a lot had questioned his disappearance, good to know they still gave a fuck at least.

 He.. didn't want to make an appearance yet, he needed to get used to what the original realm was, out of the prison he spent of Isolation, insanity, and.. emptiness,  he re-watched his old concert live, his vocal voice, it was still the same, yet, he didn't know what to sing anymore, he had a lot if inspiration in the past, the void fucked with his imagination, his daydreaming, god, he just wanted to collab with someone, to rise his inspiration again. Maybe Tabi?

..Right him, but how? The blonde fuck disappeared a year ago, like him, he didn't know where to find him, The News browser had stated he was on a 'hiatus' and added when he broke up with the red dress girl.. Hey? didn't Solazar mention that the girl was the daughter of those purple fucking demons? did Tabi get stuck? is he dead? is he gone forever?  he didn't want to over think it, especially with a guy who was his best fucking friend, god. 

This fucking place was a mess with those demons, Rose to popularity, who knows if they just used their fucking dumb magic? it was unfair to him, he slowly rose from the chair, and flopped onto his bed, the old creaking, the softness, it was better than laying on the floor in the void, he missed this, but, he missed Tabi and His Fame even more! 

But, he has to focus on finding his blond fuck of a bestfriend, and collaboration guy.

UUUUHHHHHH, i know this revamp was random, but it was needed to satisfy my new writing style, thanks :333

(total words this doesn't count: 507)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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