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Magic Carpet

"WAIT!! WAIT!!" Isla exclaims before reaching the magic carpet as Jasmine chuckles.

"Its always tricky, Dear.." Jasmine chuckles, before drinking her tea as Rajah– Their Tiger was chaisng after Aladdi's monkey.

"Rajah!!" Aladdin says, chasjng after the two as Isla snickers with the magic carpet.

"Oh!, I gotta go.." Isla says before settling on top of the magic carpet, her bag over her shoulder.

"Go, You'll be late already." Jasmine replied, giving a soft smile at her daughter before looking at her husband chasing after Rajah who's chasing after Her husband's monkey.

The Magic carpet then rode off as Isla hold on tightly, Almost dropping her bag from how fast the carpet is flying.

"Woah! Woah, Slow down!" Isla says, as the magic carpet flies smoothly.

Going to Auradon Prep.

The magic carpet landed just infront of Prince Ben and Audrey, Her best friends.

"Hi, sorry if I'm lat–" Isla pauses as Ben fixed his brown hair and Uadrey chuckles.

"Isla, look what you did to Bennyboo's hair!" Audrey laughs as Isla smiles before nodding at the carpet who then left.

"That was not funny." Ben says, as Isla laughs while Audrey smiles. "I'm not late..am i?" Isla asks as Audrey shook her head.

"No, you're not late..." Audrey muttered, as Ben sighs. "They should be here by now." Ben added.

The band then played as they see the Limo arriving.

The door opened to see two boys fighting over a navy-blue scarf, a Boy with long hair and a beanie and the other had white hair with its roots black.

Two other girls came out, One with dark blue hair and the other had choppy purple hair.

"Hey, We have audience.." The purple one says as Fair God Mother came. "Please leave it." Fair God Mother syas as Jay puts the stufd he stealed back into the limo.

Isla pretty much spaced out, pretending to listen.

"He's Prince Ben, soon to be King!" Audrey says, as the purple haired girl rolls her eyes.

"I'm his girlfriend, Princess Audrey!" Audrey say, "Sleeping Beauty's daughter, and he's Beauty and the beast's son."

"And this is Princess Isla, Daughter of Aladdin and Jasmine!"

Isla smiles, "I'm Ben's Royal advisor by the way." She added,


Magic Carpet

(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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