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Birthday party night*

Pete and Macau shared the room because Macau wants to sleep with his phi. Vegas kinda feel jealous but said nothing and he himself doesn't know If he felt jealous because Macau wants to sleep Pete or Macau get to chance sleep Pete.

"P'Pete I have something to tell you" said Macau broking the silent
"Yeah what's it"
" I happened to heard it when I went to hia's room..........."
"Oh really? So Vegas really did this?"
"Yes, Phi what are you going to do now?"
"Well, I will change the plans, all I need is good timing"... at that night Pete didn't sleep he planned some things to punish Vegas....

It's been a one week yet he didn't see any trace of Vegas. Anyway today's weather very nice and it would be good getting  Curry for lunch so he went to Curry shop near Main mansion. And his way back he saw Vegas and Porsche standing entrance
<Bingo!> there stood his targets what are they talking about? Well who cares😏
Pete watched them from a far
Oh so Posrche can ride his babygirl? He thought himself and just watched them. Then Vegas ride the bike and Porsche followed him from behind..

"Are you ready Porsche?"Vegas started engine
"Yeah let's go!" But before they can move inches they heard gun shots "Bang..Bang" They can't progress anything just gun their hands they looked up here and there the Vegas noticed it was his bike's tyre that got shot
"Shit Get out Porsche. Who the hell did that to my bike I will..."
"What will you do Khun? Kill me?" Pete revealed himself, one hand carrying Curry bag and next one playing his gun
" aa Pete..."
"So Porsche can?" Pete raised his eyebrows
"Pete it's..." Porsche was trying to say something but Pete's stopped him
"Am I joke to you khun?"
"Why are you saying this?"
" what I mean is If you don't like me then fucking say it no need to give me hope or play with me!"
"No Pete I like you..." Vegas said in rush
"Shut up Khun. I know you like Porsche and you let him ride your babygirl"
"You can also..."
"I don't wanna see you Vegas  just never show your face me again" Pete said and went in
Vegas was lost in words or don't move
<I fucked up. I literally fucked up>
"Not only you. If Pete stop being friends with me because of you I will kill you" said Porsche and run after Pete....

In Kinn's office*

Kinn was sitting while minding his business Vegas came in shouting at him
"It's all your fault " Vegas came near him and grabbed his collarbone
"What? What is my fault?"
"Pete is fucking angry at me and said don't want to see me anymore because it's your and your stupid boyfriend's fault"
"Hey what are you saying? What happened?"
"When I came here with my bike your stupid boyfriend got curious and wants to ride it. I let him because he helped me even though he doesn't know and Pete saw us riding my bike together. He fucking shot my bike's tyre"
"What a shame I missed good show"
"Shut up what  am I gonna do now? Our plan is ruined..."
"Let me think about it....."
"Find solutions or I will do the thing which I didn't do 4 years ago"

4years ago....

*Vegas and Pete accidentally kiss in front of Kinn, Kim and Tankhun and after that Pete had a crush on Vegas....

"Kinnnnn" Vegas come running his office
"Oh Vegas what happened?"
"Give me Pete"
"Give me Pete, are you deaf Kinn?"
"No I can hear you but why you need Pete?"
"It's been  a fucking two month but I can still his lips on me"
"Wow it was just a light kiss which longed 2 seconds Vegas"
"Yeah It was but I couldn't forgot it I even had a wet dream about him today"
"But I can't just give him to you Vegas" said Kinn and sat back his seat
"What do you mean why Vegas, you are only 18 years old and he is older than you. For taking him you need to know his feelings and be more mature "
"I'm mature enough "
" I know you are but you need to be powerful too not everyone can accept him as your partner because he is only bodyguard "
"I don't care about hid status Kinn"
"But you care for his feelings right? I know he likes you..
"What he likes me?!! Did he said to you?"
"No It's just too obvious from his actions when he often ask If I have mission for him and If it's related to you his mood light up immediately"
" So work on yourself and wait for him to make first move"
"Okey" said Vegas and left the room saying nothing else.
From that day he tried his best to be perfect match to Pete and waited 4 years but one day....

A week after Posrche joined Main family compound..

Kinn was reading a book while drinking his coffee as always Vegas forced entry his room
"How fucking long do I need to wait Kinn?
"Not you again🙄"
"I swear to God Kinn I will kill thet glasses bodyguard of yours!"
"What did Arm to you?" Kinn asked in confusion.... What's wrong with this guy
"Why couldn't keep his hands to himself and always touch my Pete?!" Said Vegas low but in angry voice
"Oii Vegas you know they are just friends"
"I don't care do something or I will kill that glasses and take Pete with me" said Vegas and sat to couch in the left side of the room. Kinn felt dizzy and hold his head Vegas is fucking headache to him. But seeing him in love and wants to be good for Pete, Kinn can't help but felt happy for him. Because Kinn never see Vegas trying like that for someone after his mother's death. His father also changed but he tried to give more love and attention to his sons however it didn't work for Vegas, he start to keep distant from others and always put on serious face. Good things he was still good with his cousin. When Pete first joined he didn't paid attention him.After Pete became head bodyguard of Tankhun they start to doing matches and that the day they kissed they were doing match together and it happened accidently...
" Okey I have an idea" said Kinn while wide smiling
"Let's make him jealous "
"Jealous but how?"
"Porsche my new bodyguard isn't he your type?"
"Eww what are you saying? He is your type not mine"
"Okey whatever he is good friend with Pete and always together with him, just act like you are hitting on him and Pete will get jealous "
"Good idea let's do that but If we fail I will kill you with my bare hands "
"Okey" ...

~~~ The day Pete put on make up

"ah God give me some patience" Kinn stood up his seat and face Vegas.
"What again Vegas"
"Did you see Pete???????"
"No what's with him?"
"He is fucking pretty right now and flirted with meeeee"
"Oh really?"
"Look" said Vegas and drag Kinn towards window and stick face to window. Pete, Posrche, Macau, Khun No and his other two bodyguard was at garden and having chit-chat
"Just look at him his breathtaking"
"Oh he really is" Kinn staring at Pete
"Stop staring at him you morron" Vegas hit Kinn's head and they went away from window.
" I said it will work"
"Yes but Pete didn't say anything "
"Let him and let's go to meeting cousin " and they leave the office together.

After dinner and kiss from Pete Vegas was in his delusional world while goin back to home with Nope in the car. Macau chose to stay in Main family and Vegas can imagine his life with Pete not being caught but yeah Nope wasn't dumb
"Why can't you just take him to Minor family Khun Vegas"
"Because I afraid I will hurt him if I take him to home"
"Why you think you will hurt him?" Nope asked while looking through mirror to Vegas
"If I take him home I will fuck him till he can't walk"
"Oooh I see" smiled Nope and realization hit the Vegas
"Don't you dare to tell anyone about it"
"Of course Khun"

That night Vegas didn't sleep he walk through his room and touch his face time to him...
"How I wish I can feel his lips on my lips"
thought of this make him feel butterflies in his stomach
"Ahhhh Pete what did you do to me??!" He kicked his bad and throw his pillows. He can't calm down, he definitely can't sleep.....

End of the flashback...

"Just let Pete alone sometime when he calms down you can talk to him"
"What If he doesn't talk to me?"
"He will"

Porsche went to Pete's room after him. Pete was sitting angry in his bed

"Pete listen it's nothing me and Vegas. I don't even interested in him"
"I know"
"You know? Then why?"
"He used you to make me jealous and wants me to confess to him"
"Him and Kinn planned that even after I start to flirt with him they choose to watch my moves"
"So I will take a revenge from them"
"What are you going to do?"
" you will see" said Pete and smirked himself. It will gonna be fun

End of the chapter

Thanks for your reading and If you liked the story pls vote and feel free to comment. Have a good day


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