Season 2 | Episode 16 | Black feathers and blood

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Secondo opened his eyes, sitting upright in what he thought was his bed.

But instead, he found himself in the Mind Space, the vast expanse of his empty conscience stretching out in front of him.


The young boy rose to his feet, frantically searching for the source of that strange voice. It sounded distant, and unusually fast spoken. Almoust like a recording of a voice being played back at a faster speed but somehow still at the origional pitch.


Secondo blinked a few times, as if hoping his vision was just out of focus and something would appear in front of him to explain what he kept hearing. He could barely understand it, a few words here and there but the majority may as well have been in another language.

Who are you?

Secondo gasped, the voice suddenly seeming much closer and much clearer, despite still being spoken at the same speed.

I want to talk to her, not you. Get out.

Secondo folded his arms, trying to make his frustration apparent. "Are you seriously telling me to get out of my Mind Space? The place you brought me into?"

The voice was quiet for a moment, as if contemplating its next response.

I didn't bring you here! Get out!

Secondo took a small step back, although still not entirely sure what direction the voice was coming from. It had continued as if there had been no pause, like its response had been delayed while trying to reach him. "No! This is my Mind Space, so you get out!"

There was another, longer moment of silence before the voice continued.

Let me speak to her alone! I don't want you here! Get out!

"Who is 'her'? This is all happening in my mind! No-one else is here but you and me!" Secondo screamed back, almoust as if he expected the voice not to hear him otherwise.

Out! Get out! Now!

Before he could answer, Secondo was thrown back into reality, sitting up in bed as if he'd just been asleep moments before.

But that definitely hadn't been a dream. It was impossible to enter the Mind Space without being fully conscious, and it was impossible to be brought into your own Mind Space unless there was something more powerful than you already in there.

Secondo panicked for a moment, thinking maybe the Ether had been hiding out somewhere like it had last time.

But he swiftly composed himself when he remembered how different the Ether's voice had been compared to the one he'd just spoken with. Or, more accurately, yelled at and been yelled at back in response.

A small growling sound caught his attention and he turned his head towards it, jumping slightly when he came face to face with Air.

The kit was kneeling next to his bed, watching him with a calculating stare. He was snarling and whipping his tail against the carpeted floor behind him, behavior Secondo rarely saw from him.

Asides from Quintessence, Air was bar far his most friendly ghoul. He'd been known to only ever get into trouble because he'd tryed to play or mess around with the siblings, something that had evidently made him a favorite amongst them.

It wasn't like him to be so hostile, especially towards Secondo, his Papa.

"Is everything alright, my ghoul?" Secondo questioned gently.

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