Chapter Four

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I got into my truck and slammed the door closed behind me. I didn't bother turning on the radio, let alone turning on the engine. I just wanted some silence. I wanted to forget about today, to erase Edward Cullen and his obnoxiousness from my mind. It was my first day, and he was glaring at me the entire class. I had barely said anything to him, so I couldn't understand why he looked at me like I was the scum of the Earth. I knew I should just turn on the car and go home, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I needed just to relax for a moment, I watched as other students left in their cars, most of them staring at me confused. Bella had left a few minutes before, leaving me here. She really upset me today. This morning, she caused a scene, was quiet during lunch didn't help me with Mike and Eric's annoying questions, and then left without saying anything when it was time to leave. I felt like I needed a break from this entire day, time away from my sister, time away from this school, and time away from my rude Biology partner. That was when I saw Edward, Alice, and Jasper walking to the silver Volvo. Edward watched me with his dark, hate-filled eyes. His eyes were squinting as if he was in pain, it made me curious as to why but I didn't care enough to ask. I gave him the same look in return, watching him pull out his keys and get into the driver's seat. Of course that asshole has a Volvo. I groaned, shoving my key into the ignition and turning, my truck purring to life.

I pulled out of my parking space, Edward's Volvo blocking me from leaving. "Come on, asshole!" I screamed out of the window, slamming my hand onto the horn. I noticed Alice and Jasper turn around from the backseat and look at me, a huge grin on Alice's face. She waved excitedly at me, starting to pull funny faces. My anger was gone almost immediately, leaving me feeling a mix of amusement and peace. I don't know why, but seeing Alice made me feel a bit better. I sighed and laughed at her, waving back to greet her. Once Alice turned around, the Volvo sped off faster than the speed limit. I groaned at Edward speeding, a small part of me hoping he would get caught by the police or get in a tiny wreck just to teach him a lesson. But, I didn't want Alice or Jasper getting hurt. They didn't deserve to get in a crash all because of Edward's reckless driving. Shaking the thought out of my head, I knew what I needed to do. I needed to go for a run. I needed to be in nature and feel the cool rain on my skin. I drove out of the school parking lot, turning onto the highway towards La Push. I knew of a hiking trail near the beach that I'd been on countless times. Once I passed the reservation line, I could see the ocean between the moss-covered trees, ferns, and shrubs. It meant I was close. Soon, the beach came into view with its different colored pebbles instead of sand. The gray ocean was calm today, barely swaying to and fro with loud whooshing noises, and seagulls squawking overhead. I pulled up into a free parking space, turning off the engine. Different families and couples were walking across the rocks, enjoying the day with loud laughter and conversation. I grabbed my phone and got out of my car, locking the door so no one could break in.

It only took a couple of minutes to find the dirt trail. It was just a stereotypical hiking trail with greenery on each side. It was peaceful to be out in the forest, away from my sister and away from school. Away from civilization. The only noises were birds and the ocean. It was so calming. The faint drizzle of rain dropped onto the trees, filtering through the leaves onto everything below. The light spilled between each leaf, cascading little sunbeams in downward motions. I could feel the droplets fall onto my hair, my face, and my clothes as I ran. It was refreshing. The rain gave the air a cool, damp, sort of earthy scent. I could smell wildflowers, the wet moss, the damp soil. It truly felt like the outside world with all its troubles had faded away, it felt like it was just me and nature. One with the rain. I soon found an opening in the trees, a broken tree trunk sat in the middle, looking over the ocean. The trunk was hollow underneath, its branches extending in various directions, hiding what looked like a black trash bag.

I walked over and sat on the wet grass, leaning my back against the rough bark of the fallen tree, looking out over the cliff and watching the waves roll with the current. I could see the clouds in the distance were dark, flashes of lightning bounced around them creating loud rumbles of thunder. I guessed I would have an hour until the storm rolled in, it gave me plenty of time to relax and enjoy the scenery. I sat quietly, listening to the tiniest little sounds the forest and ocean made together in harmony. It was a melody of life. Then, amongst the sounds of nature, I heard a tiny meow. I sat up and looked around, confused as to why a cat would be on this cliff. I listened silently, hoping to hear the meow again, to hear what direction it came from. As if on cue, another little meow cried out into the air. It was coming from the very tree trunk I was sitting against, I leaned down and noticed that the trash bag was moving. My mind froze, my heart sank with fear for the cat. Without a second thought, I started ripping at the versatile plastic, and within seconds I saw the tiny little head of a ginger and white kitten pop out. "Oh, gosh, you poor thing! Who did this to you?" I gasped, relieved the kitten was alive. It meowed at me loudly, its voice a tiny greeting. I extended my hand to it to introduce myself, the kitten sniffed at me curiously, rubbing her head against my hand. I was glad to see it was friendly. "Hi, baby! What's your name?" I asked it, knowing she couldn't answer. I looked for a collar but there wasn't one.

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