²¹ stick together

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"well, I'm gonna go show it to Mom," X-ray announced, referring to the lipstick tube. "Maybe I'll get the rest of the day off."

"rest of the day off?" Stan demanded. "No. No. Your hole's already dug. I 'm not even close! I 'm gonna be out here all day," he shook his head.

"yeah? so?" the dark boy shrugged, stepping even closer as an attempt to intimidate him. "so, uh... why don't you," clearly, the attempt worked.

"why don't you just turn it in tomorrow?" he quickly suggested, redeeming himself. "you know, give it to Mom in the morning? then you get the whole day off."

"that 's good thinking, Caveman," he chuckled, Squid and Pit quickly agreed. "pretty smart, Caveman." they nodded and patted his back in approval. "nice save," i muttered to him before going back to my own hole.

"ah, shit!" i whined as i slipped on the edge, hitting my back. "ouch," i hissed, rubbing my back. "birdie? you good?" Squid called out, i looked up to see him and Zig trying not to laugh at my fall.

"no, my back hurts." i complained. "yeah, no shit," Zig snickered. "fuck off, ziggy," i surpressed a smile.

"good morning, Theodore!" Mom cheerily greeted the boy. "man, it's Armpit," he sighed, throwing his head back in frustration. "yo, I don't know no fool named 'Theodore', all right?"

"well, I don't know no fool named Armpit," the man mocked, finishing filling his canteen. "there's your water, whoever you are." I took another step forward, Squid and I eagerly awaiting our turn for water when X-ray called for Mom.

"hey, Mom! I think I found something. come here for a second," he waved him over to his hole. "dude!" my shoulders slumped in disappointment, my mouth was dry and I was starting to feel dizzy again.

"I think I found something. looks like a gold... a golden bullet or something, doesn't it?"he held the lipstick up, handing it to the short man.

"it's nice, right?" he grinned. "so, I get the day off now, right?" Mom took out his walkie-talkie, "we're gonna call the warden. hey lou? you'd better get down here, I think we got something."

"we got something nice," X-ray added. "we got something nice," Mom repeated into the walkie-talkie. "is he really getting the warden down here?" Magnet whispered to me. "nah, he's getting lux lisbon," i shook my head. "who's lux lisbon? does he work here?" he spoke a bit louder as we walked away from Pendanski.

"no mag... she's a book character, I was being sarcastic." his face dropped slightly, "man, you're kinda mean sometimes, chica."

around five minutes later, a white fancy car sped towards us, clouds of dust being left behind it. the warden, in cute jeans and studded cowboy boots, got out of her car and strutted towards Mom. "it's too bad she's a bitch, she's gorgeous." i hissed to Ziggy, who was sat on the edge of the hole i was halfway done digging.

"is this where you found it?" she asked impatiently. "yes, ma'am," the small man nodded. she looked up and proudly announced, "Dr. Pendanski, drive X-Ray back to camp. give him double shower tokens and a snack. but first, fill everyone's canteen!"

"I already filled them," he beamed, proud of himself. "excuse me?" she put a hand on her hip.
"i - i had already filled them, when you drove up in the car." he looked around nervously.

"did I ask you when you last filled them?" her eyebrow raised and disappeared into the shadow her hat cast on her freckled face. "no. you didn't but.."

"excuse me?" she repeated and her voice raised. "now, these fine boys, and girl... have been working hard. don't you think it just might be possible
they have taken a drink since you filled their canteens?"

"it's possible..." he looked at his shoes, making her chuckle. "caveman! come over here, please." she instructed. "come on, come over here," she beconed. Stan stumbled over, glancing to us in fear.

"have you, by any chance taken a drink
since he filled your canteen?" she asked the boy.
"oh, no. I'm fine. I-I have plenty," he nodded, I winced as a hard look crossed the woman's face.
"excuse me?"

"honestly, I'm fine, I've got loads." pushing myself out of my hole, I approached the woman. "ma'am?" my voice shook and my insides flipped, she was terrifying. "yes, Ladybird?"

"Erm, Dr. Pendanski didn't fill my canteen today. He forgot to fill everyone else's after X found that lipstick thing." I felt a bit guilty snitching on Mom, but I felt as though I was going to faint.

To be fair I could've asked him to fill my canteen after Stan, but he was so distracted with the lipstick. And, it wouldn't hurt to be in the Warden's good graces. Though, I'd only ever rat out Pendanski or Mr Sir.

"may I have your canteens, please?" she took mine and held it under her arm as she shook Caveman's, showing Mom that his wasn't full properly.
"can you hear the empty spaces?" she mocked as the water sloshed. "yes, I can hear," he said through clenched teeth.

"fill it. and don't forget Ladybird's or anyone else's this time," she threw the bottles at his feet. "if that's too much trouble, you can grab a shovel,
and Ladybird here can fill the canteens, she wouldn't forget anyone." she put a hand on my shoulder and started calling out names.

"Armpit! Squid! get them wheelbarrows out of the truck! Zero, you take over X-Ray's hole, Caveman will assist you," she barked orders before turning to me. "I heard you threw up the other day? and ya look real sickly today,"

I nodded, "yeah, I'm fine. I had heat stroke the other day. but i'm all good now." she took her hand off my shoulder, "okay, well if you need anything, just let me know. us girls have gotta stick together. same goes for Blondie and the new girl."

she had a smile on her face that gave away what she was thinking. i figured she wanted me to be her spy or something like that, so I put on a tight-lipped smile and nodded. "yeah, we gotta stick together."

she nodded began yelling again, "get a and c tent over here!" I was sent to help Ziggy finish digging my hole and we began joining them all together.

(writers note:

hey guys, hope you're all doing well! I was meant to get this chapter out sooner but I've been super busy! apologies for it being such a short chapter too.

I'm not sure how active I'll be today, cause its my birthday!!! yippee!! bit ill try to be.

have a beautiful day guys, lots of love,

-lils xx)

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