Chapter 4:

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I called Mogul for what seemed like the hundredth time. What the fuck was the point in offering to take me to work for you to just be late picking me up? I could have drove my damn self.

As I was waiting Morgan called me. "Are we still going shopping today?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm waiting for his late ass to pick me up now."

"Again? He left like an hour ago saying he had to go get you."

"Yet, he's almost an hour late. He gets on my damn nerves. Let me call him again, then I'ma have him drop me off to get my car then come get you." I said.

"Okay, hurry please. I'm bored."

"I'ma try." I said before we said bye and ended the call.

Just as I was about to call him again he was pulling up.

"What's up, A baby?" He said as he got out the car coming around to open the door smirking like everything is all good.

"You're so fuckin annoying, move. Don't open no door for me when you can't even be on time to pick me the fuck up." I said pushing him out the way as he tried to kiss me.

"Aye, chill the fuck out. I got sidetracked."

"Sidetracked by what Mogul?" I snap looking over at him.

"Work shit."

"You're full of shit. You got sidetracked with work, but had enough time to smoke." I said slamming his door.

He mumbled something as he got in the car, but just turned the music up loud. Good, I didn't wanna hear or talk to his ass right now anyway.

Once we pulled up to my house I wasted no time getting out of his car.

"Yo don't ever think you're about to leave my presence without at least kissing me." Mogul said catching up to me wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Whatever. Bye you can go now." I said as I looked through my bag for my keys.

"I'm staying right here with you. I gotta take you and Morgz to the mall anyways."

"No, you don't I'm taking us myself."

"No, I'm taking yall."

"No, you're not. Now bye."

"Damn, I can't come inside."

"My mom is here."

"So? She wants to meet me anyways so why not now?"

"Because I'm annoyed with you right now. I don't want her meeting you like this. I thought maybe over a dinner or something."

"Open the damn door already Asia." He said pointing.

"Shut up." I said pushing him back with my elbow as I opened the door.

"Mom!" I yelled.

"In the kitchen!" She called back.

"Asia I need you to go to the store-" She paused when she seen Mogul. "Oh how you doing?" She said coming over about to shake his hand, but he hugged her.

"This is my annoying boyfriend Mogul. Mogul, this is my mom Deena."

"How you doing?" Mogul asks giving her his famous smirk.

"Okay, okay." She said nodding her head in approval then hitting me out of nowhere.

"What?" I ask.

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