Chapter 5:

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"So does this mean no more shopping and hanging out?" Morgan asks as we finished bringing all her stuff we just bought into her room.

"Girl you got my number and I got yours. I'ma still be around and you know you can always come to my mom's. You and Nee. This ain't gonna change nothing between us."

"Okay. Wait, what do I tell Mogul when he comes home?" She asks.

"Nothing, whatever." I shrugged. "I don't care. I'll hopefully talk to him before you do."

"Okay, bye." She said.

"Morgan you are so dramatic." I smiled a little hugging her. "I'm not leaving forever and if I ever would trust me you'd know."

"Okay, okay." She said.

By time I got my overnight bag I left here before we went to the mall and was ready to leave Mogul was coming through the front door. Great.

"Where you going?" He asks wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me into him.

"Home." I said pushing out of his arms.

"What the fuck? Why? I thought we agreed-"

"And I thought we agreed on a committed relationship. Which means just you and me, girlfriend and boyfriend, no side bitches and no side niggas."

He nodded. "We did."

"Yet, you are a fuckin cheater and it has been all of a five minutes. Knowing I'm always in your bed at your home waiting for you while you're out doing whatever with who the fuck knows who. Then you just come home fuck and kiss on me like everything is all good."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Don't fuckin play dumb Mogul! Them bitches were standing around like they were best fuckin friends talking about how they all fucked the same nigga, you, like that shit is cool. So you telling me that's bullshit? You ain't been with no other bitches since making me your quote on quote girl?"

"Man you really about to believe these hoes? Some random ass hoes?" He asks instead of answering me.

"You are deadass gonna lie to my face like this Mogul? Of course you would." I said throwing my arms into the air. "You've been lying from the fuckin beginning. You-"

"Yo can you shut the fuck up already and let me get a damn word in."

"See no, you got me fucked up." I said pushing him out of the way so I could leave.

"Yo A, stop fuckin playing." He said putting his arm out blocking me again.

"I'm not fuckin playing. I'm done. You wanna fuck other bitches coo, do that shit while you're single. Now move." I snap pushing his arm out the way actually leaving this time.


"Shawn give you info?" I ask Q.

"Yeah. He want all this moved sooner and faster tho."

"We can do it." I said not even thinking twice about it. "We've been doing this shit forever we too good out here."

"True shit. I gotta do rounds today make sure everything is coming back as shit should."

I nodded. Looking around, but then I stopped when I spotted Asia talking to another nigga.

"There go ya shawty bruh." Q nods his head her way. "I told you, you were gonna fuck that up."

"Fuck you nigga. That's why Nee fucked ya car up."

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