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Isn't it weird how the more you try to hide your feelings- the more it grows and become more obvious?

Yep, that was how Y/N felt when she tried to ignore books regarding to celestial objects.. She was really tempted to just grab and read it but ever since she received the fact her parents weren't really supportive of her likes, she dropped that interest down..

It already was impossible.

Everytime she hears students badmouth astronomy, she always ends up shutting her mouth because other than not having the rights to invalidate their opinions- she also didn't want trouble.

She can only sigh while staring at the blue sky above her, other than the library she also loved staying on the school building's rooftop- students hardly come here because most were scared , as if the fence didn't exist to prevent suicides.

"It's rare for you to step out of your library. "

The voice came from behind and as she turned, she raised her head up seeing the very familiar and attractive hues. Jotaro.. had the most attractive eyes, knowing he got it from his mother, she always find herself gazing at the pair with how beautiful the color was- it reminded her of a celestial object.

"I needed air. "

The man simply let out an air before approaching where where she was seated, he didn't plan on sitting down nor try to have a longer conversation but the way she scooted on the bench like giving him a space to sit down, he raised an eyebrow when she gave him a smile.

Letting out a huff, he obliged and sat down beside her, arms and legs crossed meanwhile she had her hands on her lap and eyes focused on the blue sky, the wind cooling both of their thoughts down ; the same thing goes to their skins.

"What about you? I never knew you also visit the school's rooftop. "

"My friends and I often come here for lunch, the school's canteen gets too rowded and noisy during the time. "

"You have friends? "

"What? " He frowned at her, the reaction causing her to smile and prevent herself from chuckling.


Silence cut off their conversation, just letting the comforting and cool breeze of Tokyo comfort them, that was until she spoke up.

"Kujo.. "

He hummed as a reply as if asking her what and she immediately replied.

"Huge gold chains aren't necessary for the school's uniform. "

He merely clicked his tongue and let out another huff upon the girl's comment. "Good grief, and here I thought you were gonna say something important. "

Laughing softly at his remark, she looked at the man beside her with a smile.

"I didn't know you're interested in marine biology."

His eyes flickered in a second when she said that, how did she know that? He wasn't trying to hide it but the fact she knew that really surprised him.

"What made you say that? "

"Didn't you know that the library has cameras? Everytime you'd visit I always see you reading the same books or probably books related to marine biology, I don't want to come out as nosy but you really don't seem the type to have interest in such things. "

He hummed- he would've talked with her further if the school bell didn't interrupt their ears, standing up from the bench. She left first leaving Jotaro standing while looking at the door, heaving a sigh, he tugged his hat down and the corner of his eyes caught something on the bench.

A pendant.

A star pendant at that..

Picking it up, his eyes scanned the sides of the pendant and he saw your name engraved on it.

"That girl.. " He sighed, he would've returned it if a sudden strong gust of wind made the small pendant roll on his palm and with how tall the guy was- it ended up destroying the said glass pendant , resulting it be in a form of pieces in the floor.

"Good grief.. "

The next day, she wasn't in a good mood. Not only did she lost your bracelet's pendant but she also snapped at some students who kept on making noise inside the library and now she was perceived a teacher's pet and a nerd - the insults didn't have that much affect on her but the fact she lost something valuable to her really made her feel under the weather.

She heard a book sliding on her desk, all this time she had her head on her arms and slumped on her desk but when she raised her head up, her (E/C) hues reflected with cold-like oceanic-ones .

"Kujo, I'm sorry about that .  Do you wanna borrow another book? "

She said, maintaining a calm posture but then his hand placed another thing on her desk, the moment he pulled his hand back, her eyes widened upon seeing a somewhat familiar object.

"A star pendant.. "

"I accidentally broke yours yesterday when you left it at rooftop, figured I should buy you another one. "

"Wait-!! You bought one? You could've just told me, you didn't have to do this. " She exclaimed, standing up from her desk and looking at the tall man before her.

"How much did this cost, Kujo? "

"You don't have to pay m-"

"I insist! "

He sighed, what a troublesome woman. He did feel bad because of being too careless yesterday with her pendant which is why he bought her a new one but he wasn't expecting her to refuse the offer without an exchange so instead, he pointed at her bag that was placed on the chair beside hers.

"Give me that instead. "

"Huh? " Turning to look at the object he pointed at, her eyes widened when he was referring to her seahorse keychain on her bag and that's when it dawned to her- the guy did have interest in aquatic creatures.

"Give me that, then we're even. "

"The star pendant costs much more, I know that because I bought it. It's still not enough."

Jotaro was slowly getting annoyed with the stubbornness this girl had and he had no choice but to think of something, when an idea went to his head, he simply cleared his throat and took the keychain from her hand before turning his back and approaching the door to leave so she couldn't argue further.

"Call me Jotaro from now on, that's enough."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 [ 𝘒.𝘑𝘰𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘰 𝘹 𝘍𝘦𝘮𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳]Where stories live. Discover now