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Twelve I have you

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I have you.

"Uh,what about your house?" Stiles asked scott

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"Uh,what about your house?" Stiles asked scott.
They were still on the road. Looking for somewhere to keep Jackson. Without the police finding out. Moon kind of thought of it as a kind of getaway run. All though the fact that Jackson kept on moving his feet all over her lap. She found that very abnocliously annoying.
"Not with my mom there"
"We need to take him somewhere. Where we can hold him long enough to figure out what to do with him. Or long enough to convince him he's dangerous."
"I still say we just kill him,because he is drooling all over my limited edition vintage dior dress" Moon raises her hands."Were not killing him." Scott looks back at her.
"God!" she groans "Okay,okay." Stiles sighs. "I got an idea."
"Does it involve breaking the law?" Scott asks him."By now, don't you think that's a given?"
"I was just trying to be optimistic "
"Don't bother." Moon rolls her eyes.
Stiles brilliant amazing idea was to keep Jackson in a police transport truck in the woods.Moon had to head back home,to inform her grandmother and to atleast take a shower. So when coming back to check on her boyfriend and Jackson. She had to skip school.

~Moon's Outfit~

Which could be very suspicious,so she had her grandmother call in to say she was sick

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Which could be very suspicious,so she had her grandmother call in to say she was sick.
"I cant believe his still nocked out" Moon says. Her and stiles were sitting on his jeep.
While Scott went to check on Danny in the hospital.and possibly get some answers out of him.
"Yeah,I'm surprised your grandams special tea, is actually lasting this long" stiles says
"It dose. That's what I started drinking since I became a vampire and when I was getting lack of sleep. And I love sleep,so it really helps"
"Well,you can tell her to give me some that,because I find it really hard sleeping"
Moon laughs nodding at him,befor the smile fades away,as she stares into the distance,biting her cheek."Something wrong. You got all quiet?" stiles looks at her concerningly.
"No,it's nothing" she tries to smile but that was a fail.
"Moon." Stiles says to her. She sighs taking a deep breath." yesterday, at school. I was just on my phone. Then I noticed gererad just oddly looking at me. I didn't really think much of it because,he's always looking at me,like I'm some kind of perrasite. Then,out of a nowhere I hear his voice. Like in my head. But,when I looked up he wasn't even paying attention to me. I have red somewhere,that vampires could read minds,though you have to reach certain lifespan. I know I can't do that,because he was the only one that I could hear. And he knew that" Moon plays with the tips of hair. "What did he say to you?"
"Just about how my family and I disgust him,and the only reason why im not lying dead on the floor rightnow is because I'm Alisons friend. And that if tried drinking human blood. He will,let's say kill me" Stiles looked at her for a few seconds in confusion."Well,that's not a problem because you haven't had human blood,since the night of the dance"
"Stiles that's the thing. I need human blood,not all of the time, but I still need to consume it,or I'm slowly killing myself. When your born as vampire in the family,either you decided to become a full-blood pledgedling and go back to Rome to join the council,or stay back,and hide yourself until you disintegrate. Into nothing.
"Do you wanna,like.....Drink from mine. Like I'm totally cool with that. Although I might pass out in the process." Moon laughs shuving him a bit.
"I don't need to suck your blood. I just wish I had someone to guide me through all of this. Teach me the pointers,tips. You know?"
"What about your grandma?"
"I need someone,who's like me. Like the way Scott hates to admit it but he has Derek. And Alison has her dad and family. And I have.nobody"
"You have me" stiles shrugs ,She looks back at him with smile.
Her heart Meltedat what he said"I do have you" she rests her head on his chest.
They stayed in peaceful slicence. Just admiring the tall heafty trees above praying that Jackson wouldn't wake up.
Moons eyes suddenly widened. " Do you hear that?"
" hear What?" Stiles asks her. "Were alone,just the two of us. Except for Jackson,but he doesn't count. It's just us"
"Meaning, no Scott, no Derek's disturbance, no evil diabolical things happening, just me and you.."
"Oh,I like the sound of that"
"You do.." Moon giggles. As Stiles lightly pecks her on her lips.befor going in deeper,keeping one of his hands on her cheek and the other on her lap. Moon places her own hand behind his head rubbing it gently. A sudden bang,makes them break away,with stiles looking annoyed. Moon jumps down the jeep,walking over to van Jackson was in.
"He's up" she sighs
"So much for alone time" he says jumping of too. "I'll check on him." Stiles says opening through Jacksons phone.
"Your still,texting with his parents?" Moon asks him. "Yeah,take a look" Stiles hands her Jacksons phone. Moon looks through it, the text messages were normal she guessed. Until a sutern message. "You know,for the 10years I've delt with Jackson wittmore. He's never said I love you to his parents. Atleast not infront of me"
"There's a first time for everything" he shrugged
"Anyways, I have to go feed. I won't be gone for too long" she says
"I have sandwiches?"
"Stiels,when I mean feed, I mean like.... you know.." Moon tries telling him that she needed to go hunt without saying it completely.
"Oh,yeah. Feed well.. and get stronger" he smiled giving her a thumbs up,trying to be supportive.Moon giggles kissing his cheek."I will. I won't be gone long,so just keep him distracted until I'm back. Then we can figure out what to do"
After feeding. Moon was walking back to where she left stiles and Jackson. She just hoped that,Jackson didn't turn into the kanima or something. And she realised that she left him alone with a littral Mass reptile killing machine. Then again Stiles was the smartest person she knew. So she guessed he'll be fine,until she got back.
"Whats up?" She picks up her phone answering it,still was calling her. "You need to get here now. They know"
"Who knows?"
"Jacksons parents,the school. Just get here"
"Okay,I'm on my way"She puts her phone in pocket,heading back the van.
Moon walks back to the location that Alison sent her. She see's the van parked,before looking infront of it she saw the two of them joined by Scott.
"Hey. What's wrong?" Moon joggs to them."Did Danny say anything about him Jackson fighting"
"No,they actually seem fine. But there was something on his tablet that he took."
"Why would he steal the thing if he dosent even know what's on it?" Stiles asks
"What if someone else took it" says Alison. "Then somebody else knows what he is" Moon answers "Which could mean someone's protecting him"
"Like the bestiary says,the kanima seeks a friend,right?"
"Okay hold on, so, somebody watches Jackson make a video of himself turning into the kanima. And then just erases part of it so he wouldn't know? I mean who would do that?" Stiles says looking from Scott to Moon.
"Somebody who wanted to protect him?" Moon suggested
"There's something else. You said the only thing you found online about the kanima is that it goes after murderers. What if that's actually true?" Scott says
"Well,no,it can't be. Tried to kill all of us remember? I don't know about you three, but I haven't murdered anybody Lately"
"But I don't think that it was actually trying to kill us"
"Yeah,because if it wanted to. It would have. By now" Moon says,"Just like how it walked by you. And that time at the mechanic" Scott asks.
"It was waiting for us to come out." Stiles turns to him.
"What if it was trying to keep you in?" Stiles looks at him in shock. "Why do I feel so violated all of a sudden?"
"Because there's something else going on. We don't know what it is. We don't know anything that's going on with Jackson. Or why someone's protecting him."
"Know thy enemy" Alison speaks."What?" Moon turns to her.
"Just something my grandfather said."
"All right,I got it. Kill Jackson problem solved." Stiles states
"He risked his life for us. Against Peter,you remember that?"
"Yes,but what did we just find out?he got the bite from Derek. It's funny how he just got exactly what he wanted by supposedly risking his life for us,its funny.
"Yeah,it doesn't mean he's not still worth saving"
"I still vote on killing him" Moon shrugged. After a whole back and forth with Scott wanting to do the right thing,and be all heroic. Moon finally gave in. They settled on trying to find the cause of what's happening to Jackson. Instead of just killing the threat,which moon still insisted.
Moon unlocks the door to her room. Dropping her bag on the desk,removing her coat. She turns on the light jumping a bit.
She gasps." You scared the he'll out of me." She says to Lydia
"I've been sitting here for an hour waiting gor you."
"I can't hang out right now,lydia" Moon sighs opening her laptop. She really did miss hanging out with her best friend,but stuff have just been way more important. And very tireing.
"I don't know why ever since you started dating Stiles,heck ever since you started talking to them. You've been so distant and always baling. Saying I have ballet or stiles and I are studying. When is it Lydia time. I feel like we're practically strangers now. You never answer my calls. Making fake excuses. Then next I see you with Mcall and stilinski."
"I don't know what your talking about. You always ditched me. When you and Jackson were together. Lydia I can't hangout and going shopping with you all the freaking time"
"I don't need anyone to hang out with. And that's different. It's like something is going on,and everyone's playing this game on don't let Lydia find out. I just need someone to talk to."
"I understand that it's important but if it can just wait.."
"Everyone telling me to wait? Why isn't right now available."
"You can't have everything right now. You know what I need. I need my grandmother who is still struggling to read archaic Latin. Which is taking her forever"
"I know archaic Latin." Lydia says
"You know archaic Latin?"
"While you were still learning classical Latin. I got board and learned that too"
"Just how smart are you?"Moon confusedly asked her friend.
"Just show me the pages"

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