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Seventeen Stalkers

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Alison,what's up with the Crazy text messages?" Moon asked her as she entered the girls house

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Alison,what's up with the Crazy text messages?" Moon asked her as she entered the girls house. The girl woke up too 20 missed calls from her friend this morning.

~Moon's Outfit~

~Moon's Outfit~

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"Okay,so after the party," Allison started as she closed the door behind the girl,looking at her. "I gave Matt a ride home"
Moon sits on her bed more amused. Following the whole deal with stiles practically avoiding and breaking all there plans they had for spring break.
Scott almost Dying due to Allison's Mother. All she right now needed was some petty drama and gossip to take her mind of things. Even if it's about Matt.
"He left his camera in my car and I got a little curious and started to look through the pictures" she crosses her hands.
"So?The guys a photographer," she told her. "That's what they do"
"It's not only pictures of the lacrosse team or anything that has to do with school."
Moon furrows her eyebrows.
"I mean at first it was that...but then it got to recent pictures.of me. Like on the bench, In chemistry, at the hallways,walking back home"
Moon's mouth drops open in shock and horror. She knew Matt took a couple of pictures of them when they were walking into school that morning but only made it off as something for the school's yearbook."This is why you never go and dates with odd camera guys"
"That's not even nearly to the worst part."
"Allison what are talking about. What cane be possibly more worse than this?!" Moon Exlamied.
"I scrolled some more . Seeing multiple, pictures of you. With your head cut out or really unverbally words next to it. He had a few of you and Stiles... well,very compromising position,cutting out his picture putting his own."Moon places her hand on top of her mouth,beginning to panic.
"Oh my God,Alison...." she whispered. "I know I was a little bitchy to him. Why dose he have.... why-"
"I don't know," Allison intervened the Vampire. " Why he hates you. That it'll lead to an obsession or something."
The idea of someone watching as she made out with Stiles in his bedroom. Then after she rejects him,he moves over to her best friend. Then making a killer shrine of her.
Allison had no idea what to do. She had never seen Moon this way so defenceless,like she just received the most disgusting news ever. Allison had her arms around her,hugging her from the side.
"Did you atleast delete the pictures?" Moon asked but she shook her head.
"No,I did.and have Time. He came back to look at it before I could do anything. Besides,he probably had them all backed up in his computer like the creep he is" Moon nodded in agreement. She exhaled"I am just so sick of boys right now"
"You and Stiles aren't doing to good?" Allison asks her friend.
Moon cleared her throat before looking at her. "He's....he's been acting strange lately. I don't know,if it's that he gets uncomfortable when I talk about Isacc. He refuses to talk to me more about his dad getting fired. Its like he dosent trust me..always tired from only god knows what. Bailing on me....and I thought... I thought we were good. I just Don't know what to do"

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